Educational and Library Discounts - Price List 2003 |
If schools or libraries would like to preview Busy Little Brains, we can send a 30-day evaluation copy of the CD-ROM to your school (within the USA). Within 30 days of receiving the CD-ROM, you can:
Number | Total Cost | Cost per CD-ROM |
1 | $24.99 | $24.99 |
2 | 43.00 | 21.50 |
3 | 60.00 | 20.00 |
4 | 77.00 | 19.25 |
5 | 93.00 | 18.60 |
6 | 109.00 | 18.17 |
7 | 124.00 | 17.71 |
8 | 139.00 | 17.38 |
9 | 153.00 | 17.00 |
10 | 167.00 | 16.70 |
11 | 180.00 | 16.36 |
12 | 193.00 | 16.08 |
13 | 205.00 | 15.77 |
14 | 217.00 | 15.50 |
15 | 228.00 | 15.20 |
16 | 239.00 | 14.94 |
17 | 249.00 | 14.65 |
18 | 259.00 | 14.39 |
19 | 269.00 | 14.16 |
20 | 279.00 | 13.95 |
21 | 289.00 | 13.76 |
22 | 299.00 | 13.59 |
23 | 309.00 | 13.43 |
24 | 319.00 | 13.29 |
25 | 329.00 | 13.16 |
26 | 339.00 | 13.04 |
27 | 349.00 | 13.93 |
28 | 359.00 | 13.82 |
29 | 369.00 | 12.72 |
30 | 379.00 | 12.63 |
Number | Total Cost | Cost per CD-ROM |
All prices include free shipping and handling within the U.S.
To order: To order bundles of Busy Little Brains, you can either fax, e-mail, or mail us a purchase order.
Fax number: (206) 232-9162
Mailing address:
Enchanted Learning
PO Box 321
Mercer Island, WA 98040-0321
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