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Food Chain: Cloze Activity
- Quiz #3
Find It! in Little Explorers
Use the Little Explorers picture dictionary to answer the following questions.
1. How many keys does a piano have?_______________________
2. What type of environment does a yucca live in? ___________________
3. Are vipers poisonous?_______________
4. What country is the kimono from?_______________________
5. How many sides does a pentagon have?_______________________
6. What is another word for "cent"?_______________________
7. Is a dolphin a fish or a mammal?_______________________
8. Is Jupiter the largest or smallest planet in our solar system?_______________________
9. Name a toothed whale that starts with "B."_______________________
10. What do aardvarks eat?_______________________
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: reading, writing, introduction to research on the internet
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