1929 | Born on January 15, in Atlanta, Georgia | ![](/mgifs/MLKsmall_bw.GIF) |
1948 | Graduates from Morehouse College |
1953 | Marries Coretta Scott |
1955 | Earns a doctoral degree |
1956 | Dr. King's house is bombed |
1958 | Dr. King publishes his first book, Stride Toward Freedom |
1963 | Dr. King gives his "I Have a Dream" speech at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. |
1964 | Dr. King is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize |
1968 | Dr. King is assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee |
1986 | Martin Luther King Jr. Day is declared a national holiday in the U.S. |
Answer the yes or no questions about Martin Luther King, Jr. Color in the correct circle. | YES | NO |
1. Martin Luther King, Jr., was born in 1929. | ![](/tgifs/tinycircle.GIF) | ![](/tgifs/tinycircle.GIF) |
2. King was born in Mississippi. | ![](/tgifs/tinycircle.GIF) | ![](/tgifs/tinycircle.GIF) |
3. King was married in 1942.
| ![](/tgifs/tinycircle.GIF) | ![](/tgifs/tinycircle.GIF) |
4. Dr. King published his first book in 1958.
| ![](/tgifs/tinycircle.GIF) | ![](/tgifs/tinycircle.GIF) |
5. Dr. King gave his "I Have a Dream" speech in Washington, D.C.
| ![](/tgifs/tinycircle.GIF) | ![](/tgifs/tinycircle.GIF) |
6. Dr. King won the Nobel Prize in 1965.
| ![](/tgifs/tinycircle.GIF) | ![](/tgifs/tinycircle.GIF) |
7. Martin Luther King Jr. Day was declared a national holiday in 1966.
| ![](/tgifs/tinycircle.GIF) | ![](/tgifs/tinycircle.GIF) |