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Zoom Birds - Print-out for Grade 3-5 Find it! in Zoom Birds
Use the page on cuckoos to answer the following questions.
1. How did the cuckoo get its name?_____________________
2. Are cuckoos herbivores (plant-eaters) or insectivores (insect-eaters)? ________________
3. Name an adaption that cuckoos have that helps them obtain food. __________________
4. Many cuckoos lay their eggs in other birds' nests and the "host" birds take care of the baby cuckoos. What is this phenomenon called? _______________________
5. Name two environments that cuckoos live in. __________________ and __________________
6. Do any cuckoos migrate? ________________________
7. How many toes do cuckoos have? ____________________
8. Is the roadrunner a type of cuckoo? ______________________
9. How fast can a roadrunner run? ______________________
10. Cuckoos are birds. What Linnean class do birds belong to? ___________________