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Label Crayfish External Anatomy
Crayfish Printout
More on Crustaceans
Read the definitions below, then label the crayfish diagram.
Crayfish anatomy diagram to label

Abdomen - The abdomen is the segmented tail area. The swimmerets, telson, and uropods are attached to the abdomen.
Carapace - The protective shell (exoskeleton) of the cephalothorax.
Cephalic groove - An indentation in the carapace between the head region and the thorax region.
Cephalothorax - The combined head and thorax (this animal has no neck!). The cephalothorax contains the heart, gills, and stomach.
Cheliped - One of two big claws used for defense and food handling.
Eye - The two eyes are located towards the front.
Long antennae - Two long, sensory organs towards the front of the crayfish.
Short antennae - Two short antennae, also called antennules.
Rostrum - The area above the eyes.
Swimmerets - Five pairs of short appendages on the abdomen; they are used for swimming.
Tail fan - The telson and the four uropods. It is used for backwards swimming.
Telson - The single, hind-most extension of the tail fan.
Uropods - Two pairs of appendages on the tail fan that surround the telson.
Walking legs - Four pairs of long, jointed legs used for walking. The gills are attached to the tops of the walking legs.

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