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Label the Giraffe Adaptations Diagram
Giraffe Printout to Color
Giraffes have many obvious physical adaptations to help them survive in the African savannas. Read the definitions below, then label the giraffe diagram.
giraffe to label
Camouflaged coat - Patches of different sizes and colors help hide the giraffe in the African savanna.
Fringed tail - A fringe at the end of the tail keeps flies and other pests away.
Hind legs - The hind legs are shorter than the front legs.
Hoofed feet - A tough hoof protects each foot.
Short horns - Males have knobbed, hairless horns, females have thinner, tufted horns.
Long neck - It is used to reach leaves in tall acacia trees.
Long front legs - Unlike many animals, the giraffe's front legs are longer than the hind legs. These long front legs make it easier to reach tall leaves.
Long tongue - Helps strip the leaves off trees.
Mane - Long, tough hairs that run along the giraffe's neck.
Tough lips - Help protect against the spiny thorns in acacia trees.

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