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long a | b | hard c + k |
ch | d | long e | f+ph | hard g | h | long i | j + soft g |
l | long o | short o | p | s + soft c | sh | t | th | long u | v | y | |||||||
short a | short e | pl | sk | sl | sp | st | sph | short u | w | |||||||||||||||||||
air | aw | bl | cl | cr | qu | dr | eer | fl | gl | short i | m | or | ow | pr | skr | sm | spl | str | sw | shr | tr | thr | ur | wh | z | |||
ar | br | fr | gr | n | oy | r | squ | sn | spr | tw |
(including words that start with a soft c and s) |
celery Celery is a crisp, green vegetable. |
cell Cells are the building blocks of all plants and animals. |
cent Cent is another word for penny. |
centipede A centipede is a small predatory animal with many legs. |
Centrosaurus Centrosaurus was plant-eating dinosaur with a long snout horn. |
Ceratosaurus Ceratosaurus was a meat-eating dinosaur from the Jurassic period. It had a small horn on its snout. |
cicada A cicada is a flying insect with big eyes and clear wings. It has a very long life cycle and the males make a buzzing sound. |
circle A circle is round. |
circus A circus is a traveling show that has acrobats, clowns, and animals. |
city A city is a place where a lot of people live. |
Coelacanth The Coelacanth (pronounced SEE-la-canth) is a primitive fish that was thought to have been extinct for millions of years, but a living Coelacanth was caught in 1938. |
cyclone A cyclone is a storm of rapidly spinning air that is very dangerous. |
cylinder A cylinder is a figure with a long round body . |
cymbals Cymbals are musical instruments. You bang or hit these percussion instruments together to make a sound. |
saber-toothed cat The saber-toothed cats (also called saber-toothed tigers) were large meat eaters that lived during the last ice age. |
Sacajawea Sacajawea, also spelled Sacagawea (1788-1812) was a Shoshone Indian woman who guided and acted as an interpreter and negotiator for Lewis and Clark on their exploratory expedition in the northwestern USA. |
sack A sack is a container. You can put things in a sack. |
sad Sometimes people cry when they're sad. |
![]() safety pin A safety pin is a type of pin that is used to fasten clothes and diapers. |
said Said is the past tense of the verb say. |
sail A sail is a large piece of strong fabric that catches the wind and propels a boat or sailboard through the water. |
sailboat A sailboat is a boat that has sails and is powered by the wind. |
sailfish The sailfish is a deep-sea fish. It is the fastest fish in the sea and can swim up to 68 miles per hour (110 kph). |
Saint Bernard A large, muscular, heroic dog originally from Switzerland. |
salad A salad is a type of food that is usually made with lettuce and other vegetables. |
salamander Salamanders are amphibians that retain their tail as an adult. |
salami Salami is a type of salty, spicy meat product, usually made from beef and/or pork. |
salmon Salmon are fish that live in the sea and spawn in fresh water. |
salt Salt is an important crystalline mineral that we use to season our food. |
samurai Samurai were Japanese warriors. |
sand Sand is a loose material composed of fine debris of rock and mineral particles. |
sandals Sandals are open shoes worn in warm weather. |
sandcastle A sandcastle is a small castle made of damp sand. |
sand dollar Sand Dollars are coin-shaped spiny-skinned sea bed animals that have 5-part radial symmetry. |
sandwich A sandwich is cheese, peanutbutter, meat, or another filling between two slices of bread. |
sapphire Sapphire is a blue gemstone. |
satellite Satellites orbit the Earth. |
Saturn Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun. It has beautiful rings. |
Saurornithoides Saurornithoides was a small, fast-moving, meat-eating dinosaur. |
sausage Sausage is a type of processed meat. |
savanna A savanna is a hot, seasonally dry grassland with scattered trees. |
saw A saw is a tool that cuts things. |
say When you say something, you are talking. |
saxophone The saxophone is a large woodwind instrument. It was invented by Adolph Sax around 1840. |
science People study science to learn about the physical world. |
scissors Scissors are useful for cutting things. |
sea A sea is a large body of salt water that is connected to an ocean. A sea may be partly or completely surrounded by land. |
sea anemone A sea snemone is a predatory sea animal that looks like a flower and lives on the ocean floor. |
sea cow Sea cows (also called manatees) are gentle, slow-swimming, aquatic mammals. |
sea cucumber Sea cucumbers are cylinder-shaped animals that live on the sea floor. |
sea gull Sea gull is the common name for some birds that live near oceans and lakes. |
sea horse The sea horse is a very strange type of fish - it has a long snout and a curled tail. |
seal A seal is an emblem (symbol) of a country, family, or other group. |
seal Seals are animals that live in the ocean but breathe air. They are marine mammals. |
sea lion Sea lions are eared seals that live off the coast of western North America. |
sea otter Sea otters are marine mammals with very dense, waterproof fur. |
seasons There are four seasons in the year: winter, spring, summer, and fall (also called autumn). |
sea star Sea stars, another name for starfish, are animals that live on the ocean floor. |
sea urchin The sea urchin is a spiny, globular animal that lives on the ocean floor. |
seaweed Seaweed is a plant that lives in the sea. |
second The second person or item comes after the first and before the third. |
second There are 60 seconds in a minute. |
second hand The second hand on a clock tells you how many seconds have gone by. |
sedimentary rock Sedimentary rock is rock that has formed from sediment and is where most fossils are found. |
see We see with our eyes. Our eyes give us a sense of sight. |
seeds Seeds grow into plants. |
seesaw Seesaws go up and down. |
Seismosaurus Seismosaurus was a long-necked, plant-eating dinosaur that was over 130 feet long. Its name means "earthquake lizard." |
semicircle A semicircle is half a circle. |
; semicolon A semicolon is a punctuation mark; it is used to separate major parts of a compound sentence. |
senses People have five senses, the sense of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. |
The dog is brown. Do you like apples? sentence A sentence is a group of words that is a statement, question, exclamation, or command. |
September September is the ninth month of the year. |
serpent A serpent is a reptile with scaly skin and no legs or arms. |
serval The serval is a long-legged African wild cat. |
seven There are seven days in the week. |
sew You can sew using a needle and thread. Clothes are made by sewing fabric. |
sewing machine A sewing machine sews stitches very quickly and easily. The sewing machine was invented in 1846 by Elias Howe. |
siamang The siamang is a rare, black, long-armed ape from rainforests in southeast Asia. |
sick When you are sick, you are not healthy. |
sidewalk A sidewalk is a paved path for people to walk on. |
silk Silk is a delicate thread that is used to make fine fabric. Silk is obtained from the cocoon of the silkworm moth. |
silkworm The silkworm moth is an insect (not a worm) that produces a silken cocoon. This cocoon is harvested to make silk thread. |
silo A silo is a building in which bulk food, like wheat, is stored. |
![]() silver Silver is a valuable metal; it is also the shiniest metal. Some coins and jewelry are made from silver. |
sink We can wash our hands at a sink. |
sisters Sisters are girls or women who have the same parents. |
sit When you sit you rest your legs. |
Sitting Bull Sitting Bull was a great Sioux Indian chief and the last chief to surrender to the U.S. government. |
six All insects have six legs. |
soap Soap and water help clean things. |
soccer ball A soccer ball is made up of pentagons and hexagons. |
sock We wear socks under our shoes. |
sofa A sofa is a large, soft piece of furniture that many people can sit on. |
soil Plants grow in soil. |
Solar System In our Solar System, eight planets, one dwarf planet, many asteroids, comets, and other objects orbit around our sun. |
soldier A soldier is a person who fights for a country. |
solid A solid is a matter in which the molecules are very close together and cannot move around. Ice, quartz, and diamonds are solids. |
son A son is a male offspring. |
sonar In sonar (also called echolocation), high-pitched sounds (usually a series of clicks) are sent out. The sound bounces off the object and some returns. The returning echo is interpreted to determine the object's shape, direction, distance, and texture. Dolphins (and other toothed whales) and some bats use sonar to navigate and find prey. |
soup Soup is a type of food. Vegetable soup and chicken soup are two kinds of soup. |
south South is a compass direction. South is opposite north. |
South America South America is a continent in the Western Hemisphere. It is bordered by the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Some of the many countries in South America include Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Ecuador, and Venezuela. |
South Carolina South Carolina is a state in the eastern United States of America. Its capital is Columbia. |
South Dakota South Dakota is a state in the United States of America. Its capital is Pierre. |
Southern Hemisphere The Southern Hemisphere is the half of the Earth that is south of the equator. |
South Korea South Korea is a country in eastern Asia. |
South Pole The south pole is the southern-most point on the Earth; it is located on the continent of Antarctica. |
submarine A submarine is a vessel that can travel underwater and carry people. |
1-1=0 5-3=2 subtraction Subtraction is the operation of taking one number away from another. |
suit A suit is a set of matching clothes. |
suitcase When you travel, you carry your clothing in a suitcase. |
summer Summer is the season between spring and fall (autumn). |
Sun The Sun is a medium-sized yellow star in our Solar System. We get our light and most of our energy from the Sun. |
sun bear The sun bear is the smallest bear. It lives in Asia and is quite ferocious. This mammal is also known as the honey bear and the Malay bear. |
sunfish The sunfish is a large fish with an almost circular, flattened body. |
sunflower A sunflower is a plant that turns to face the sun. |
sunglasses Sunglasses help to protect your eyes from too much sunlight. |
sunrise Sunrise is the time when the sun rises. |
sunset Sunset is the time when the sun sets below the horizon. |
Supersaurus Supersaurus was a long-necked, plant-eating dinosaur that was about 100 feet long. Its name means "super lizard." |
sword A long time ago, soldiers fought with swords. |
swordfish The swordfish is a large fish with a long, sharp bill. |
! /,* @;:$¢ symbol A symbol is a mark or sign that stands for something else. For example, the symbol & means and. |
Syntarsus Syntarsus was a fast-moving, meat-eating dinosaur that lived during the Jurassic period. |
Organized by the Sound at the Beginning of the Word |
long a | b | hard c + k |
ch | d | long e | f+ph | hard g | h | long i | j + soft g |
l | long o | short o | p | s + soft c | sh | t | th | long u | v | y | |||||||
short a | short e | pl | sk | sl | sp | st | sph | short u | w | |||||||||||||||||||
air | aw | bl | cl | cr | qu | dr | eer | fl | gl | short i | m | or | ow | pr | skr | sm | spl | str | sw | shr | tr | thr | ur | wh | z | |||
ar | br | fr | gr | n | oy | r | squ | sn | spr | tw |
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