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Apes |
Enchanted Learning ALL ABOUT MAMMALS! |
Geologic Time Chart |
Introduction to Mammals | Groups of Mammals | Ice Age Mammals | Mammalian Evolution | Classification | Mammal Index | Activities and Worksheets |
Groups of Mammals |
Monotremes | Marsupials | Placental Mammals |
Placental Mammals |
Placental mammals (subclass Eutheria) are advanced mammals whose young are born at a relatively advanced stage (more advanced than the young of other mammals, the monotremes and marsupials). Before birth, the young are nourished through a placenta. The placenta is a specialized embryonic organ that is attached the mother's uterus and delivers oxygen and nutrients to the young.
There are almost 4,000 known species of placental mammals. There are more rodents and bats than other types of placental mammals. Scientifically, placental mammals are called eutherians.
Mammals: Circle the Mammals and Fill in the Missing Letters Find the missing lettters and circle mammals. The mammals are monkey, rabbit, elk, weasel, whale, bat, goat, ox, gorilla, elephant. The extra animals are: octopus, butterfly, eagle, jellyfish, ant, eel, and dinosaur. Or go to the answers. |
Circle Mammals Circle 10 mammals. The words are cow, dolphin, camel, killer whale, goat, Dalmatian dog, pig, seal, fox, rabbit. Or go to the answers. |
AARDVARK Aardvarks are large mammals that eat ants. |
AFRICAN ELEPHANT The African Elephant is the largest land animal. |
AFRICAN WILD CAT African Wild Cats are fierce, solitary cats that are fast hunters. |
AGOUTI The agouti is a large, short-tailed rodent from rainforests in the Americas. |
ALPACA The alpaca is a South American mammal related to and smaller than the llama. Or go to a printable alpaca read-and-answer quiz or quiz answers. |
AMERICAN BISON The Bison (also called the American Buffalo) is the heaviest land animal in North America. |
ANTEATER Anteaters are mammals with very long snouts from South and Central America. |
ANTELOPE Antelopes have beautiful horns. |
APE Chimpanzees and gorillas are apes (primates). |
ARCTIC FOX This small, white fox lives farther north than any other land animal. |
ARCTIC WOLF Arctic wolves are meat-eaters that live in Northern Canada. |
ARMADILLO An armadillo is a small, burrowing, armored mammal. |
ARMADILLO (Simple version) The armadillo is a small, burrowing, armored mammal. |
ARSINOITHERIUM Arsinoitherium was an early, horned mammal that lived during the early Oligocene (about 38 to 23 million years ago). |
ARTIODACTYLS Artiodactyls are hoofed mammals (ungulates) with an even number of toes on each foot. |
AYE-AYE A strange, nocturnal primate from Madagascar. |
BABOON The baboon is a large monkey with a long snout and large cheek pouches. |
BACTRIAN CAMEL A two-humped camel from deserts and steppes of Asia. |
BADGER The badger is a nocturnal mammal with a black-and-white striped face. |
BALUCHITHERIUM Baluchitherium (aka Paraceratherium) was a large, extinct, hornless rhinoceros. It was one of the largest land mammals. |
BAT A bat is a flying mammal. |
Bat: Printable Read-and-Answer Worksheet A printable worksheet on bats, with a short text to read, an anatomy picture to label, and questions to answer. Or go to the answers. |
BEAR A bear is a big, furry mammal. |
BEAVER The beaver is a large rodent that builds dams and dens. |
BELUGA WHALE The beluga is a small, white, toothed whale that lives mostly in cold, arctic waters. |
BIGHORN SHEEP A wild brown sheep from mountains and deserts of North America. |
BINTURONG A dark, furry mammal from southeast Asia. |
BISON The Bison (also called the American Buffalo) is the heaviest land animal in North America. |
BLACK BEAR The Black Bear is a big bear that can be black or brown colored. |
BLACK BEAR HAMSTER The black bear hamster is a docile, black, short-haired hamster that is a variant of the Syrian hamster. |
BLUE WHALE The blue whale is the biggest animal that ever lived. This huge mammal eats tiny food that it sieves through baleen. |
BOBCAT A fierce, short-tailed wild cat from North America. |
BONGO The bongo is a large, striped antelope from African forests. |
BOWHEAD WHALE The bowhead whale is a large whale which eats tiny food that it sieves through baleen. |
BROWN BEAR The Brown Bear is a large bear with a muscular hump on its shoulders. |
Brown Bear (Simple Version) The Brown Bear is a large bear with a muscular hump on its shoulders. |
BUFFALO The Bison (also called the American Buffalo) is the heaviest land animal in North America. |
CALIFORNIA SEA LION California sea lions are eared seals that live off the coast of western North America. |
CAMEL Camels are large mammals that live in dry areas. Go to a giraffe quiz or go to the answers. |
CAPE BUFFALO Cape Buffalo are large, hoofed mammals that live in African savannas. |
CAPYBARA The capybara is the biggest rodent in the world. |
CARIBOU Caribou live in Arctic regions. |
Carnivora An order of mammals that includes cats, dogs, bears, skunks, weasels, seals, hyena, and meerkats. |
(House) Cats Printouts of many house cats. |
Cats Cats are fast-moving, carnivorous mammals. |
CHEETAH The cheetah is the fastest land animal. Or go to a simple cheetah coloring printout (just the image). |
CHIMPANZEE Chimpanzees are very intelligent apes and are closely related to people. |
Chimpanzee (Simple version) Chimpanzees are very intelligent apes from Africa; they are closely related to humans. |
CHINCHILLA Chinchillas are soft rodents that live high in the Andes Mountains of South America. |
CHIPMUNK Chipmunks are rodents that live in North America and Asia. |
COATI (pronounced ko-WAH-ti) Coati (also called coatimundi) are long-nosed, long-tailed mammals from the Americas. |
COLLARED PECCARY A pig-like mammal, also known as the javelina, from deserts and chaparrels of North and Central America. |
Cougar A long-tailed wild cat with no spots. It is also known as the puma, catamount, mountain lion, and cougar. |
COW The milk we drink comes from cows. |
COYOTE Coyotes are meat-eaters related to wolves. |
COYPU Coypus (also called nutrias) are semi-aquatic rodents that are originally from South America. |
DALL SHEEP A wild, white sheep from the Arctic and sub-Arctic of North America. |
DEER Deer are long-legged mammals that have hoofed, two-toed feet. |
DEER, WHITE-TAILED White-tailed deer are a type of deer from the Americas. |
DHOLE The dhole is a wild dog from Asia. |
DINGO The dingo is a wild dog from Australia. |
DOEDICURUS Doedicurus (family Glyptodontidae) was an ancient armadillo with a tail mace. It lived during the Ice Ages. |
Dogs Dogs are meat-eating mammals. |
DOLPHIN A dolphin is a marine mammal with a long nose and teeth. It is a carnivore. |
DONKEY Donkeys are hoofed mammals adapted to desert life. |
DROMEDARY The dromedary is the Arabian or one-humped camel. Go to a giraffe quiz or go to the answers. |
DUGONG Dugongs are gentle, slow-swimming, aquatic mammals. |
Edentata (Xenarthra) An order of mammals that includes sloths, armadillos, and anteaters. |
ELEPHANT The elephant is a big, gray animal with a trunk. |
ELEPHANT SEAL, NORTHERN The Northern Elephant Seal is a huge seal that lives in the northern Pacific Ocean. |
ELK Elk are large, hoofed mammals that are related to deer. |
EOHIPPUS Eohippus was a tiny horse that lived 50 million years ago. |
ERMINE Also known as stoat or short-tailed weasel, this tiny, ferocious mammal lives in cold areas. |
FENNEC FOX The Fennec fox is a small, desert fox with very large ears; it lives in the Sahara and in northern Saudi Arabia. |
FERRET Ferrets are a type of weasel. |
FIN WHALE The fin whale is a very large baleen whale. It is the second largest animal in the world. |
FLYING SQUIRREL Flying squirrels glide from trees, using a loose flap of skin between their legs and arms. |
FOSSA The fossa is a meat-eating mammal from the island of Madagascar. |
FOX The fox is a meat-eating mammal with a long, bushy tail. |
FRUIT BAT Fruit bats are large bats that eat fruits and flowers. |
GAZELLE Gazelles live in herds in Africa. |
GERBIL Gerbils are small rodents that some people keep as pets. |
GIBBON Gibbons are rare, small, slender, long-armed, tree-dwelling apes from Asia. (printout coming) |
GIRAFFE The giraffe is the tallest land animal. Go to a giraffe quiz or go to the answers. |
GIRAFFE AND BABY A mother and baby to color. |
GLYPTODON Glyptodon was a car-sized armadillo that lived during the Ice Ages. |
GNU The gnu is a fast-running, herding, grass-eater from eastern Africa. It is also known as the wildebeest. |
GOAT Goats are sure-footed, hoofed mammals. |
GOLDEN LION TAMARIN A small, golden-haired arboreal tamarin from rainforests in Brazil. |
GORILLA Gorillas are from Africa and are in danger of extinction. Go to a gorilla quiz or go to the answers. |
Gorilla Read-and-Answer Quiz Read the text then answer the questions. Or go to the answers. |
Gorilla (Simple version) Gorillas are great apes from Africa. They are in danger of extinction. |
GRAY WHALE The gray whale is a baleen whale that eats tiny organisms from the mud on the bottom on the ocean. |
Great Apes The Great Apes include Gorillas, Orangutans, Chimpanzees, and Bonobos. |
Great Apes (Simple version) The Great Apes include Gorillas, Orangutans, Chimpanzees, and Bonobos. |
GRIZZLY BEAR The Grizzly Bear is a large mammal with a muscular hump on its shoulders. |
GROUNDHOG The groundhog is a rodent that is also called the woodchuck. |
GUINEA PIG The Guinea pig is a small, tailless rodent that is sometimes kept as a pet. |
Hamster The hamster is a small rodent that some people keep as a pet. Go to a simple version (just the image). |
HARES Hares have very long hind legs and long ears. Unlike rabbits, the young are born fully haired. |
HARP SEAL Harp Seals live are marine mammals that live in the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean. |
HEDGEHOG A hedgehog is a small mammal with a spiny coat. |
HIPPOPOTAMUS The hippopotamus is a large mammal that stays in the water a lot. Go to a hippo quiz or go to the answers. |
HORSE Horses are very fast runners. Primitive horses were very small. Go to a horse quiz or go to the answers. |
HOWLER MONKEY The loudest monkey! |
HUMAN BEING A human being is a mammal. |
HUMPBACK WHALE Humpbacks are very acrobatic whales that sing beautiful, complex songs. |
HYENA A meat-eating mammal that hunts and scavenges prey. |
HYRACOTHERIUM Hyracotherium/Eohippus was a tiny horse that lived 50 million years ago. |
IMPALA A high-jumping, lightly-built antelope from southern Africa. |
INDRICOTHERIUM Indricotherium (aka Baluchitherium) was a large, extinct, hornless rhinoceros. It was one of the largest land mammals. |
Insectivora An order of mammals that includes hedgehogs, moles, and some shrews. |
JAGUAR The jaguar is a large, spotted wild cat from South and Central America. |
JAVELINA A pig-like mammal, also known as the collared peccary, from deserts and chaparrels of North and Central America. |
KANGAROO RAT The kangaroo rat is a small rodent from North America. |
KARAKUL The karakul is a sheep that is native to Central Asia; they may be the earliest-domesticated sheep. |
KINKAJOU A long-tailed, nocturnal mammal from rainforests in the Americas. |
LAGOMORPH Rabbits, hares, and pikas are lagomorphs. |
LEMMING Lemmings are small, short-tailed rodents from North America and northern Eurasia. |
LEOPARD Leopards are widely-distributed, spotted wild cats. |
LION A group of lions is called a pride. |
LLAMA Llamas are domesticated animals that are related to camels. |
LORIS Large-eyed primates from Southeast Asia. |
LYNX A powerful wild cat from Europe, Eurasia, and North America. |
MACRAUCHENIA Macrauchenia was a camel-like mammal from the Pleistocene period - it is extinct. |
MAMMOTH Mammoth were a large elephant-like animals that lived during the ice ages. |
MANATEE Manatees are gentle, slow-swimming, aquatic mammals. |
Manatee Coloring/Writing Printout Color the manatees then write about this endangered marine mammal. |
MANDRILL Mandrills are large, brightly-colored Old World monkeys. |
MARINE MAMMALS Mammals that spend most of their lives in the seas. |
Mastodon Mastodons were shaggy, tusked herbivores that lived during the last Ice Age. |
MEERKAT Meerkats (also called suricates)are a type of mongoose that can stand upright. |
MINK Minks are small, short-legged members of the weasel family that live in wet environments. |
MOLE Moles are almost-blind, burrowing mammals. |
Mole Label Me! Printout Label the mole external anatomy diagram. Answers |
MONGOOSE Mongooses are sleek, meat-eating mammals. |
MONKEY PRINTOUTS Printouts of different monkeys. |
MONKEYS Monkeys are furry mammals with long, strong tails. |
MOOSE A moose is a large type of deer from the USA and Canada. |
MORGANUCODON An early mammal from about 200 million years ago. |
MOUSE Mice are cute, small rodents with long tails. |
MUSK OX Musk oxen are large, hairy mammals that live in the far north. |
MUSKRAT Muskrats are rodents that often build dome-shaped houses. |
MUSTELIDS The weasel family (family Mustelidae) consists of carnivorous mammals including the weasel, badgers, ferrets, fishers, otters, and others. |
NAKED MOLE-RAT Naked mole-rats are small, almost hairless rodents who live in underground colonies in Africa. |
NARWHAL The narwhal is an Arctic whale; the male has one huge tooth. |
NORTHERN ELEPHANT SEAL The Northern Elephant Seal is a huge seal that lives in the northern Pacific Ocean. |
NORTHERN FUR SEAL The Northern Fur Seal is a marine mammal that lives in the northern Pacific Ocean. |
NUTRIA Nutrias (also called coypus) are semi-aquatic rodents that are originally from South America. |
OCELOT Ocelots are wild cats from the Americas. |
OKAPI The Okapi is a nocturnal, giraffe-like mammal from African rainforests. |
ORANGUTAN Orangutans are large, tree-dwelling apes. |
ORCA Orcas are killer whales. An orca eats hundreds of pounds of fish (including sharks) and marine mammals every day. |
ORYX Oryx are long-horned antelopes from dry areas in Africa and Asia. |
OTTER The otter is a playful aquatic mammal. |
PANDA Pandas are black and white bears from China. |
PANGOLIN The pangolin is an insect-eating mammal that has protective scales on its body. |
Panther A long-tailed wild cat with no spots. It is also known as the puma, catamount, mountain lion, and cougar. |
Panther Coloring/Writing Printout Color a panther and write about this wild cat. |
PANTROPICAL SPOTTED DOLPHIN Also known as the Spotted, White-Spotted, or Brindled Dolphin, this small, toothed whale lives in tropical waters worldwide. |
PERISSODACTYLS Perissodactyls are odd-toed ungulates (hoofed mammals) like horses, zebras, rhinos, and tapirs. |
Pig Pigs are hoofed mammals that oink. Or go to a simple version of the pig printout (picture only). |
PIKA Pikas are small, furry mammals who stockpile food for winter. |
PINNIPEDS Pinnipeds are marine mammals. They spend most of their life in the seas, but go onto land or ice at times. |
PLATYBELODON An extinct, elephant-like mammal that lived millions of years ago. |
POLAR BEAR Polar bears are large and live in the far north. |
Polar Bears A Printable Activity Book A short, printable activity book on polar bears for fluent readers. |
Porcupine Porcupines are mammals with protective, needle-like quills on their body. |
Portuguese Water Dog: Printable Read-and-Answer Worksheet A printable worksheet on the Portuguese Water Dog, with a short text to read, a picture to label, and questions to answer. Or go to the answers. |
PRAIRIE DOG The prairie dog is not a dog; it is a ground squirrel. |
PRIMATES The primates are an order of intelligent mammals. They have good eyesight, and many are arboreal. |
PROBOSCIDEANS An order of mammals that includes elephants and their extinct relatives. |
PRONGHORN Pronghorns are the fastest moving mammals in North America. |
Quagga The quagga is a recently-extinct relative of the zebra. Go to a quagga read-and-answer quiz or go to the answers. |
RABBIT A rabbit is a small, hopping mammal with big ears. |
RACCOON The raccoon is a mammal with mask-like markings on its face and a ringed tail. |
RAT A rat is a rodent with a long tail and pink eyes. |
RED PANDA Red Pandas are bear-like mammals from mountains in Asia. |
RED WOLF Red wolves are endangered carnivores from the eastern USA. |
REINDEER Reindeer live in the far north. |
Reindeer: Printable Read-and-Answer Worksheet A printable worksheet on reindeer with a short text, a labeled picture, definitions to match, and questions to answer. Or go to the answers. |
Reindeer Shape Book to Printout A short activity/information book about reindeer to print, with pages on connect-the-dot, word unscrambles, anatomy, facts, and questions. |
Reindeer Label Me! Printout Label the reindeer diagram on this printout. Answers |
Reindeer Quiz Printout Answer 10 questions about reindeer and color one. |
RHINOCEROS A rhinoceros is a huge animal from Africa that has one or two horn-like spikes on its head. |
RIGHT WHALE Baleen whales with a huge head and an arched mouth. |
RING-TAILED LEMUR A large-eyed primate from Madagascar. |
RIVER OTTER River otters are streamlined, aquatic mammals from North America. |
RODENTS Rodents are relatively small, prolific mammals whose front two top teeth continually grow. |
SEAL Seals live in the ocean but breathe air. They are marine mammals. |
SEA OTTER Sea otters are marine mammals with very dense, waterproof fur. |
SERVAL Color and read information about this long-legged African wild cat. |
SHEEP Sheep are farm animals that are raised for wool and meat. |
SHREW Shrews are perhaps the tiniest mammals. They are quite ferocious. |
SIAMANG The siamang is a rare, black, long-armed ape. |
SKUNK Skunks are black and white mammals that can produce a terrible odor. |
SLOTH A sloth is a slow-moving mammal that lives hanging upside-down from trees. |
SMILODON Smilodon was the largest saber-toothed cat. It was a meat eater that lived during the last ice age and is now extinct. |
SNOW LEOPARD Snow Leopards are rare, pale leopards from the snowy central mountains of Asia. |
SPECTACLED PORPOISE A porpoise (a small toothed whale) from the Southern Hemisphere. |
SQUIRREL Squirrels are rodents. |
TAPIR A plant-eating, hoofed mammal with a small trunk. |
TARSIER Tarsiers are small mammals with enormous eyes. |
THREE-TOED SLOTH The sloth is a slow-moving mammal that lives hanging upside-down from trees. |
TIGER Tigers are large, fierce cats that have stripes. |
UNGULATES Ungulates are hoofed mammals. |
VAMPIRE BAT The vampire bat is the only bat that eats blood. Or go to a simple version of the vampire bat printout (picture only). |
WALRUS A walrus is a northern marine mammal with ivory tusks. |
WARTHOG The warthog is a wild pig from Africa. |
WEASEL Weasels are small, furry mammals with short legs. |
WEDDELL SEAL The Weddell seal is a large, nocturnal pinniped from Antarctica. |
WHALE Whales are large marine mammals. Whales breathe air. |
WILDEBEEST The wildebeest is a fast-running, herding, grass-eater from eastern Africa. It is also known as the gnu. |
WOLVERINE The Wolverine is a ferocious type of weasel that lives in cold areas. |
WOODLAND CARIBOU A rare caribou from Canada that eats lichens. |
WOLF The wolf is a meat-eating mammal. |
WOODCHUCK The Woodchuck is a rodent that is also called the groundhog. |
WOOLLY MAMMOTH The woolly mammoth is a large elephant-like animal that lived during the ice ages. Or go to a woolly mammoth quiz or go to the answers. |
WOOLLY RHINOCEROS The Woolly Rhino is an extinct rhinoceros from the Ice Ages. |
XENARTHRA (EDENTATA) An order of mammals that includes sloths, armadillos, and anteaters. |
YAK Yaks are large, strong, plant-eating mammals. Or go to a simple version of the yak printout (picture only). |
ZEBRA Zebras have black and white stripes. |
Zebra (Simple version) Zebras are hoofed mammals that have black and white stripes. |
ZORILLA The Zorilla is a skunk-like mammal that lives in Africa. |
ZORRO The zorro is a dog-like fox from South America. |
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