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More Dog Printouts
German Shepherd
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The German Shepherd is a hard-working, herding dog that was originally from Germany. It is an intelligent, strong, courageous, loyal, and adaptable dog. The German shepherd has been popular as a working farm dog, as a rescue dog, as a guide dog to the disabled, as a police dog, as a Red Cross dog in World War I, and in films (Rin-Tin-Tin was a German Shepherd).

Although the German Shepherd, like all dogs, is a descendant of the wolf (which is a natural predator of sheep and other mammals), the German Shepherd does not attack the animals that it was bred to herd.

Anatomy: The German Shepherd Dog is a medium-sized dog, with various combinations of black, tan, rust, cream, and white fur. It is about 2 ft (60 cm) tall at the shoulders and weighs roughly 75-95 pounds (35-45 kg).

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