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Cockatoos are crested birds from rainforests, dry regions, and fields of Indonesia and Australia. There are many different species of cockatoos. Cockatoos are long-lived birds. Many species of cockatoo are endangered because of loss of habitat, being shot as agricultural pests, and the sale of the young as pets.
Anatomy: The Cockatoo averages about 12 to 15 inches (31-38 cm) long. These parrots range in color from white, pink, yellow, gray, and black; they all have a large, feathery head crest, and a curved bill. Males sometimes have darker feathers or eyes than females; otherwise, males and females are hard to distinguish.
Reproduction: There are only a few eggs in each clutch (a set of eggs laid in one nesting period). The eggs are laid in a hollow tree cavity. Both parents incubate the eggs for close to a month, and both parents feed the chicks.
Diet: Cockatoos eat seeds of grasses, berries, and nuts.
Classification: Order Psittaciformes, Family Cacatuidae, Genus Cacatua.
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