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You might also like: | Ecology Flag | Earth Illustrated Acrostic Poem Worksheet: Worksheet Printout | Earth Definition Quiz | Earth: Fact or Opinion?, A Worksheet. | Adjectives Describing the Earth | Today's featured page: Green |
Our subscribers' grade-level estimate for this page: 2nd - 3rd |
Crafts Earth Day Crafts, Activities and Projects |
![]() Make your own Earth Day stamp! |
Earth Day is a holiday in which the environment of the planet Earth is appreciated and pollution is fought. Earth Day was proposed in the 1960s. Some people celebrate Earth Day on April 22; some celebrate Earth Day on the Vernal Equinox (the day Spring starts in the Northern Hemisphere).
These crafts projects are for preschool, kindergarten and elementary school children. The crafts use materials found around the house, like egg cartons, cardboard, paper, boxes, string, crayons, paint, glue, etc. See a page about color mixing to see how to combine paint to make all the colors of the rainbow. |
Go to Earth Day books to print |
Nature Crafts:
PAPIER-MÂCHÉ GLOBE A globe made from a balloon, newspaper, and flour. |
EARTH PENDANT Make a little Earth pendant or light-catcher for Earth Day. |
WHALE CRAFTS Crafts to make and books to print about cetaceans. |
LITTER BUG An easy-to-make Litter Bug made of recycled items. |
Paper Evergreen Tree Make a simple 3-dimensional evergreen tree from construction paper. |
INSECT CRAFTS Make a lot of six-legged creatures. |
PINE CONE BIRD FEEDER Make a really simple bird feeder from a pine cone. |
MAGICAL LEAF IMAGE Make a magical leaf image appear using a leaf, crayons, and paper. |
RAINSTICK Rainsticks are ceremonial musical instruments used to invoke the rain spirits. You can make a simple Rainstick from a cardboard tube and aluminum foil. |
ORIGAMI WHALE A simple-to-make folded paper whale. |
MAGNIFICENT MASKS Print out and decorate many masks: lion, cat, dog, pig, koala, and robot. |
WHALE MOBILE Print out whale templates to make a mobile. |
STAND-UP TREE CRAFT In this simple project, cardboard from a cereal box and a toilet paper tube are turned into a cute free-standing tree that is great to use as an Earth Day decoration. |
EGG CARTON ANIMALS Make animal crafts from egg cartons and pipe cleaners. Make a ladybug, spider, a bat, a caterpillar, and a camel. |
OCEAN DIORAMA Make an ocean scene in a box. Print out the sharks and whales, then color, cut, and hang them in a decorated box. |
SUN-EARTH-MOON MODEL Make a model of the Sun, Earth, and moon that shows the Earth orbiting the Sun, with the moon circling the Earth. |
Butterfly and Caterpillar Crafts:
PAPER CHAIN CATERPILLAR Make a cute caterpillar from a paper chain. |
BUTTERFLY WINDOW HANGING Make a butterfly window hanging using waxed paper, crayon shavings, and an iron. |
ORIGAMI BUTTERFLY A simple-to-make origami butterfly made by folding a piece of paper. |
BUTTERFLY WAND Make a butterfly wand with a popsicle stick, a pipe cleaner and a coffee filter. |
EGG CARTON CATERPILLAR Make animals from egg cartons and pipe cleaners. Make a ladybug, spider, a bat, a caterpillar, and a camel. |
BUTTERFLY COLORING BOOK A butterfly and caterpillar book you can print out and color. |
Printouts and Worksheets:
![]() Trace or Cut Out the Earth Use a pencil to trace the Earth or cut it out with a scissors. Or go to a pdf of the worksheet (subscribers only). |
![]() The Earth: Illustrated Acrostic Poem |
Earth Day Wordsearch Puzzle Find the words in the Earth Day wordsearch puzzle, then use the extra letters to find the secret message: "Have a clean Earth Day." Or go to the answers. |
Write an Earth Day Acrostic Poem Write a poem about Earth Day. Start each line with a letter from the phrase "Earth Day." |
Write an Earth Day Acrostic Poem #2 Write a poem about Earth Day. Start each line with a letter from the phrase "Earth Day." |
![]() Earth Acrostic Poem Write a poem about the earth. Start each line with a letter from the word "earth." |
Earth: Perimeter Poem ![]() Write a poem around the perimeter (outer edges) of the earth. Or go to a pdf of the poem worksheet. |
Earth: Shape Poem ![]() Write a poem inside the earth. Or go to a pdf of the poem worksheet. |
Write a Recycling Acrostic Poem Write a poem about recycling. Start each line with a letter from the word "recycle." |
Draw the Earth and Find 8 Adjectives Describing It Draw the Earth. Then write eight adjectives describing the Earth and use each adjective in a sentence. |
Find 8 Adjectives Describing a Tree You Drew Draw a tree. Then write eight adjectives describing your tree and use each adjective in a sentence. |
Match the Syllables: Earth Day Words Match two syllables to make 10 earthday words. The words are planet, conserve, species, forest, wildlife, oceans, rainbow, water, pollute, reuse. Or go to the answers. |
Symmetrical Earth Day Pictures: Finish the Drawing Worksheet Finish each of the four drawings around the line of symmetry. The Earth Day pictures are of ecology, sun, tree, and cloud. Or go to the answers. |
Earth Definition - Multiple Choice Comprehension Quiz Answer 8 multiple-choice questions on the definition of earth; a lesson in using a dictionary. Go to the answers. |
Earth Printout Color the inside of the Earth. |
Earth and Moon Printout Color the Earth and the moon. |
Put 10 Earth Day Words in Alphabetical Order - Worksheet Put 10 Earth Day words in alphabetical order. The words are: Earth, ecology, oceans, planet, recycle, reduce, reuse, rivers, water, world. Go to the answers. |
Find New Uses for Many Items In these printable worksheets, the student thinks of and write down either ten or twenty new uses for a common item (like a paper clip or a cardboard tube). |
Find Things We Throw Away for Each Letter See if you can think of and write down something we throw away for each letter of the alphabet. Or go to a sample answer page. |
Write Ten Things About the Earth A one-page printable worksheet. Write ten things about the Earth (plus one thing you would like to change about it). |
Find It! A Quiz on the Earth Answers questions about the Earth. |
Earth |
![]() Plant: Add, then Decode the Riddle Solve the addition problems, then use the alphabet code to decode the answer to the riddle, "Why did the gardener plant a light bulb? To grow _____." (Answer = a power plant). Or go to the answer page. |
![]() Ocean: Add, then Decode the Riddle Solve the addition problems, then use the alphabet code to decode the answer to the riddle, "What did the ocean say to the shore?" (Answer = Nothing, it waved). Or go to the answer page. |
Continents and Oceans Quiz Print out this quiz and learn about the oceans and continents on Earth. Or go to the answers. |
Continents: Cloze Activity Do a printable fill-in-the-blanks activity on the Earth's seven continents. Or go to the answers. |
Continents: Label the Map Label the continents, the poles, and the equator. |
World Map Label Me! Printout Label the continents, oceans, poles, equator, and prime meridian. Answers |
Ocean and Seas: Label Me! Printout Label the oceans and major seas in English. Answers |
![]() Earth Joke: Multiply, then Decode the Riddle Solve the multiplication problems, then use the alphabet code to decode the answer to the Earth riddle, "What's in the middle of Earth?" (Answer = The letter "r"). Or go to the answer page. |
![]() Continents: Unscramble the Sentences Worksheet Unscramble the words of each simple sentence, then use the first word of each sentence to form the secret message, "The Earth has seven continents." Or go to the answer page. |
![]() Oceans: Unscramble the Sentences Worksheet Unscramble the words of each simple sentence, then use the first word of each sentence to form the secret message, "The Earth has five oceans." Or go to the answer page. |
Adjectives Describing the Earth ![]() Write adjectives describing the Earth in and around the Earth. Or go to a pdf of the worksheet. |
![]() The Earth: Fact or Opinion? Color the picture of the Earth, then write 5 facts and 5 opinions about the Earth. A fact is supported by evidence and can be proven; an opinion is how you feel about something and is open to debate. Or go to a pdf of the worksheet (subscribers only). |
Books to Print:
Earth Day Words Mini Book A Printable Writing Book A tiny, printable book about simple words related to Earth Day -- for early readers and writers. The book has 2 pages to print and makes 8 pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in. The words are: Earth, sun, recycle, tree, rainbow, wildlife, and "Can you think of another Earth Day word?" |
Earth Day Activity Book A Earth Day activity book for early readers with connect the dots, color by number, a maze, fill in the missing letters, match the pictures, finish the drawing, and a word unscramble. |
Earth Day I See... Book Icons of Earth Day book for early readers, with pages on the Earth, tree, rain forest, rain, flowers, recycle sign, sprout, endangered species, and rainbow. |
WHALE AND DOLPHIN CONNECT-THE-DOTS BOOK Pick the whales and dolphins you want, then print them out, connect the dots, and color the pictures. |
WHALE AND DOLPHIN COLORING BOOK Pick the whales and dolphins you want, then print them out and color them. |
Sprouting Bean Shape Book A short printable shape book for early readers about the germination and early growth of a bean seed. |
BIRD COLORING BOOK A bird coloring book you can print out and color in. |
BUTTERFLY COLORING BOOK A butterfly and caterpillar book you can print out and color. |
INSECT COLORING BOOK An insect book - you can print and color some of your favorite crawlers and fliers. |
SHARK COLORING BOOK A shark book you can print out and color in. |
The Seven Continents A short activity book on the continents to print for early readers. There are pages on each of the seven continents. |
Related Pages:
The Earth Learn all about the planet Earth. |
Endangered Animal Species Printouts Endangered animals are those that are in danger of going extinct soon. |
Water Cycle Diagram Label Me! Printout Label the diagram of the hydrologic cycle - how water circulates on earth. Answers |
Ecology Flag A blackline master (printout) of the Ecology flag. |
Go To Information on the Earth
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