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EnchantedLearning.com Spanish Theme Page A Picture Dictionary, Information, Quizzes, Worksheets and Printouts to Color |
Click Here for K-3 Themes |
All Spanish Activities |
English/Spanish Picture Dictionary A picture dictionary with a picture for each English/Spanish entry (with links to related pages). |
Spanish/English Picture Dictionary A picture dictionary with a picture for each Spanish/English entry (with links to related pages). |
Basic Questions in Spanish Learn how to ask simple questions in English and Spanish. |
Zoom School Mexico Learn about Mexico using a pictorial interface. |
Short Books in Spanish to Print:
A es Para... A Printable Activity Book A short, printable book about the alphabet. The book has pages for the student to read (in Spanish and English) and sentences in write in Spanish. The words include: avión/airplane, botón/button, carro/car, dinosaurio/dinosaur, elefante/elephant, familia/family, globo/globe, hamaca/hammock, isla/island, jugo/juice, kilogramo/kilogram, lámpara/lamp, madre/mother, noche/night, océano/ocean, pantalones/pants, quintillizo/quintuplets, rata/rat, serpiente/snake, tigre/tiger, unicorno/unicorn, volcán/volcano, wok, xilófono/xylophone, yema/yolk, and zigzag. |
Animales del Bosque (Forest Animals) A short, printable book about forest animals in Spanish - for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, read, and color, with animal names to write. The pages are: oso/bear, ciervo/deer, mapache/raccoon, ardilla/squirrel, zorro/fox, pájaro carpintero/woodpecker, búho/owl, serpiente/snake, rana/frog, gusano/worm, hormiga/ant. |
Animales y Números/Animals and Numbers A Printable Bilingual Book A short, printable book about animals and the numbers from one to eleven. The book has pages for the student to read (in Spanish and English) and sentences in write in Spanish. For example, "Veo ocho gatos. (I see eight cats.)" |
El Camping Camping Words in Spanish A short book about camping words in Spanish to print for early readers - the book is shaped like a tent. The book has pages for the student to cut out, camping gear to color, and Spanish words to copy. The camping words include tienda de campaña/tent, fogata/campfire, linterna/flashlight, saco de dormir/sleeping bag, mochila/backpack, botas de trekking/hiking boots, brújula/compass, cantimplora/water bottle, and piragua/canoe. |
La Casa The House in Spanish A simple book about a house-related words in Spanish to print for early readers. The book has house-shaped pages for the student to cut out and words to copy. The words are: puerta (door), ventana (window), piso (floor), pared (wall), techo (ceiling), escalera (stairs), chimenea (fireplace), cuarto (room), and casa (house). |
El Circo Circus Words in Spanish A short, printable book about the circus in Spanish - for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, read, write Spanish words in, and color. The pages are: caballo (horse), payaso (clown), malabarista (juggler), tigre (tiger), elefante (elephant), foca (seal), acróbata (acrobat), león (lion), and funámbulo (tightrope walker). |
Debajo del Mar (Under the Sea) A short, printable book about sea animals in Spanish - for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, read, and color, with animal names to write. The pages are: fish, shark, ray, lobster, octopus, eel, sea horse, whale, dolphin, jellyfish, and crab. |
Feliz Navidad (Merry Christmas) Printable Book A short, printable Christmas book in Spanish. On each page, there is a simple picture, the word printed in Spanish, and lines on which the student can write the word. |
Animales De La Granja A short, printable book about farm animals in Spanish - for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, read, and color, with animal names to write. The pages are: cow, pig, horse, sheep, chicken, goat, turkey, donkey, and duck. |
Me Llamo... A Printable Activity Book A short, printable book about the student (in Spanish). The book has pages for the student to read, questions to answer, and activities to do. Topics include the student's name, age, hair color, eye color, family tree, where I live, birthday, favorite color, right-handed or left-handed, and favorite dessert. |
Mi Libro de Palabras en Español (My Word Book in Spanish) A word book in which the student writes words in Spanish and illustrates them. This printable book can be used to make a book of the words a student knows, a picture dictionary, or a theme book (on, for example, animals, household items, shapes, colors, numbers, etc.). |
Palabras de la Escuela (School Words in Spanish) A short, printable book about school words in Spanish - for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, read, write words in, and color. The pages are: lápiz/pencil, papel/paper, pluma/pen, globo/globe, tijeras/scissors, libro/book, creyones/crayons, reloj/clock, mochilla/backpack. |
Spanish-English Picture Dictionary - PDF Format (site members only) Printable Spanish-English picture dictionary - 27 pages PDF format. Each illustration has the word listed in Spanish and English. (This file can take a while to download, especially if you have a slow connection.) |
Spanish Picture Dictionary - PDF Format (site members only) Printable Spanish picture dictionary - 27 pages PDF format. (This can take a while to download, especially if you have a slow connection.) |
Spanish Picture Dictionary - Writing Practice - PDF Format (site members only) Printable Spanish picture dictionary with room to copy each word - 27 pages PDF format. (This can take a while to download, especially if you have a slow connection.) |
Fill-in-the-Blanks Spanish Picture Dictionary - PDF Format (site members only) Printable Spanish picture dictionary - 27 pages PDF format. Each word has one blank letter for the student to fill in. (This file can take a while to download, especially if you have a slow connection.) |
I Can Write a Spanish Picture Dictionary - PDF Format (site members only) Printable Spanish picture dictionary - you write the Spanish word below each picture - 27 pages PDF format. (This can take a while to download, especially if you have a slow connection.) |
English-Spanish Picture Dictionary - PDF format A printable English-Spanish picture dictionary: 26 pages in PDF format (site members only). |
Spanish Word Book A Printable Activity Book A short, printable activity book in Spanish/English (with tabs), with pages on numbers, telling time, colors, food, people, and animals - plus a quiz. |
Spanish Word Book #2 A Printable Activity Book A short, printable activity book in Spanish/English (with tabs), with pages on clothes, the body, money, vehicles, shapes, and a place setting - plus a quiz. |
Spanish/English Animals Coloring Book Printout A Spanish/English coloring book about animals. |
English/Spanish Animal Opposites Coloring Book A Spanish/English coloring book about opposites, illustrating the concepts with animals. |
English/Spanish Body Coloring Book Printouts A 6-page Spanish/English coloring book about the body. |
English/Spanish Colors Coloring Book Printout A 12-page Spanish/English coloring book about the colors. |
English/Spanish Numbers Coloring Book Printout A 9-page Spanish/English coloring book about the numbers from 0-10. |
English/Spanish Shapes Coloring Book Printouts An English/Spanish coloring book on the shapes. |
Colors in Spanish:
The Colors in Spanish Learn the colors in Spanish. |
Color Matching Quiz: Spanish/English Test your knowledge of the colors in Spanish and English using this printout. Go to the answers. |
English/Spanish Colors Coloring Book Printouts A 12-page Spanish/English coloring book about the colors (a printout). |
Colors in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the colors in Spanish. Answers |
Color By Number (in Spanish) Colorea con Números (en Español) Print and color pictures by number (and learn the names of the colors in Spanish). |
Printable Set of Spanish Color Word Dominoes Print a set of Spanish color word dominoes; each tile has colors on it, in Spanish and pictures (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, black, gray). In this game the student matches colors. |
Numbers in Spanish:
0-100 The Numbers in Spanish Learn the numbers from zero to one hundred in Spanish.
Number Quizzes Number Matching Quiz Printouts: Spanish Test your knowledge of the numbers 0-100 in Spanish using these printouts.
uno, dos, tres Number Writing Quiz Printout: Spanish Write the names of the numbers in Spanish. |
English/Spanish Numbers Coloring Book Printout A 9-page Spanish/English coloring book about the numbers from 0-10. |
Printable Set of Spanish Number Word Dominoes: 0 to 6 Print a set of Spanish color word dominoes; each tile has numbers on it in Spanish and symbols 0 through 6 (cero, uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis). In this game the student matches numbers. |
Time and the Calendar in Spanish:
Spanish Calendar A printable calendar in Spanish. |
Match Spanish Calendar Words to English Words Match 23 Spanish calendar words to English Words. The words are: the four seasons, the twelve months, and the seven days of the week. Or go to the answers. |
The Clock in Spanish Label the clock in Spanish. Answers |
Days of the Week in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the days of the week in Spanish. Answers |
Spanish Months Birthday Cake Printouts Print a bulletin board cake for each month of the year in Spanish and a candle for each student. Post the 12 cakes on the bulletin board. Write a student's name on each candle and place each candle on the birth month. |
Spanish Months Birthday Cake Printouts Black and White Print a black-and-white bulletin board cake for each month of the year in Spanish and a candle for each student. Have students color the cakes, then cut them out and post the 12 cakes on the bulletin board. Write a student's name on each candle and place each candle on the birth month. |
English/Spanish Months Birthday Cake Printouts Print a bulletin board cake for each month of the year in English and Spanish and a candle for each student. Post the 12 cakes on the bulletin board. Write a student's name on each candle and place each candle on the birth month. |
Months of the Year in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the months in Spanish. Answers |
The Seasons of the Year in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label summer, autumn, winter, and spring in Spanish. Answers |
Time on the Hour in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label one o'clock through 12 o'clock in Spanish. Answers |
Telling Time Every Five Minutes in Spanish Label the time in five minute increments in Spanish. Answers |
Holidays and Seasons:
Autumn (Fall) Words in Spanish Label the Autumn (el otoño) words in Spanish, including pumpkin, apple, leaf, rake, corn, scarecrow, crow, turkey, and hay. Answers |
Match Spanish Autumn/Fall Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish fall words to their pictures. The words are: hoja/leaf, rastrillo/rake, espantapéjaros/scarecrow, cuervo/crow, manzana/apple, araña/spider, maiz/corn, calabaza/pumpkin, heno/hay, nube/cloud. Or go to the answers. |
Christmas Words in Spanish Label the Christmas words in Spanish, including tree, star, angel, fireplace, mantle, log, fire, stocking, gift, and card. Answers |
Match Spanish Halloween Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish Halloween words to their pictures. The words are: la telaraña/spider web, el fantasma/ghost, el murciélago/ghost, el cráneo/skull, el gato/cat, el bruja/witch, los caramelos/candy, araña/spider, calabaza/pumpkin, el esqueleto/skeleton. Or go to the answers. |
Halloween in Spanish Label the Halloween (el día de Halloween) words in Spanish, including bat, witch, ghost, spider, web, candy, skull, skeleton, cat. Answers |
Holidays in Spanish and English A Matching Printout Match holidays in Spanish and English. Phrases: April Fool's Day/el día de los Inocentes, birthday/el cumpleaños, Christmas/la Navidad, Christmas Eve/la Nochebuena, Columbus Day/día de la Raza, día de la Hispanidad, Day of the Dead/Día de los Muertos, Mexican Independence Day/el Grito, Easter/la Pascua, Epiphany/Epifanía, Father's Day/el día del Padre, Halloween/La Noche de Brujas, Independence Day/día de la Independencia, Mother's Day/el día de la Madre, New Year's Day/el Año Nuevo, New Year's Eve/la Nochevieja, Thanksgiving/el día de Acción de Gracias, Valentine's Day, el día de San Valentín, wedding/la boda, wedding anniversary/el aniversario de bodas. Answers |
Spring Words in Spanish Label the spring words in Spanish, including flower, egg, butterfly, bee, rabbit, frog, bird, rainbow, umbrella, rain. Answers |
Match Spanish Spring Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish spring words to their pictures. The words are: el huevo/egg, la mariposa/butterfly, el paraguas/umbrella, la pelota de béisbol/baseball, la rana/frog, la abeja/bee, el conejo/rabbit, el pájaro/bird, la lluvia/rain, el arco iris/rainbow. Or go to the answers. |
Match Spanish Summer Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish summer words to their pictures. The words are: el girasol/sunflower, la crema protectora/sunscreen, la sandía/watermelon, el son/sun, el helado/ice cream, las sandalias/sandals, las grafas de sol/sunglasses, los shorts/shorts, la rosa/rose. Or go to the answers. |
Summer Words in Spanish Label the summer words in Spanish, including sun, sunfower, sunglasses, sun block, shorts, ice cream, watermelon, rose, sandals. Answers |
Thanksgiving Words in Spanish Label the Thanksgiving (el diá de Acción de Gracias) words in Spanish, including turkey, pumpkin, pie, corn, yam, cranberry, hat, apple, cornucupia, and roll. Answers |
Match Spanish Thanksgiving Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish Thanksgiving words to their pictures. The words are: la empanada/pie, el guajolote/turkey, el sombrero/hat, la calabaza/pumpkin, el maiz/corn, el cornucopia/cornucopia, el arándano rojo/cranberry, el ñame/sweet potato, el panecillo/roll, la manzana/apple. Or go to the answers. |
Winter Words in Spanish Label the winter words in Spanish, including snow, snowflake, snowman, hat, scarf, glove, sled, ski, cold, ice skate, icicle, and evergreen tree. Answers |
Match Spanish Winter Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish winter words to their pictures. The words are: esquis/skis, carámbano/icicle, copo de nieve/snowflake, patin/ice skate, nieve/snow, muñeco de nieve/snowman, árbol imperecedero/evergreen tree, bufanda/scarf, guantes/gloves, trineo/sled. Or go to the answers. |
Shapes in Spanish:
English/Spanish Shapes Coloring Book Printouts An English/Spanish coloring book on the shapes. |
Shapes in Spanish (Label Me! Printout) Label the shapes in Spanish. Answers |
Printable Set of Spanish Shape-to-Word Matching Dominoes Print a set of Spanish shape-to-word matching dominoes; each tile has a shape picture and a Spanish shape word on it (circulo, triángulo, cuadrado, recténgulo, oválo, corázon, and estrella). In this game the student matches Spanish shape words to pictures. |
Match Spanish Shape Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish shape words to their pictures. The words are: el circulo/circle, la estrella/star, el cuadrado/square, el triángulo/triangle, el corazón/heart, el óvalo/oval, el rectángulo/rectangle, el cono/cone, el cubo/cube, la pirámide. Or go to the answers. |
Animals in Spanish:
African Animals in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the elephant, lion, tiger, gorilla, chimpanzee, ostrich, and giraffe in Spanish. Answers |
Animal Coloring Book Printout - Spanish/English A Spanish/English coloring book about animals. |
Animal Opposites Coloring Book - English/Spanish A Spanish/English coloring book about opposites, illustrating the concepts with animals. |
Birds in Spanish (Label Me! Printout) Label the birds (and related terms) in Spanish. Answers |
Butterfly Life Cycle in Spanish Label the egg, caterpillar, pupa, and butterfly in Spanish. Answers |
Farm Animals in Spanish (Label Me! Printout) Label the farm animals in Spanish. Answers |
Fish Anatomy in Spanish: Label Me! Label a simple fish anatomy diagram in Spanish. |
Forest Animals in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the fox, squirrel, deer, antler, bear, claw, raccoon, hedgehog, mouse, and worm in Spanish. Answers |
Frog Life Cycle in Spanish Label the egg, tadpole, and frog in Spanish. Answers |
Ocean Animals in Spanish (Label Me! Printout) Label the sea animals in Spanish. Answers |
Insects in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the insects in Spanish, including the fly, bee, ant, dragonfly, grasshopper, ladybug, mosquito, butterfly, caterpillar, and antenna. Answers |
Moth Life Cycle in Spanish Label the egg, caterpillar, cocoon, and moth in Spanish. Answers |
Pets in Spanish (Label Me! Printout) Label the pets in Spanish. Answers |
Reptiles and Amphibians in Spanish Label the reptiles and amphibians. Answers |
The Body in Spanish:
The Arm in Spanish (Label Me! Printout) Label the parts of the arm and hand in Spanish. Answers |
The Body in Spanish (Label Me! Printout) Label the parts of the body in Spanish. Answers |
Eye Anatomy in Spanish Label the iris, pupil, lens, cornea, optic nerve, retina, eyelash, eyelid, eyebrow, and tear in Spanish. Answers |
The Face in Spanish (Label Me! Printout) Label the parts of the head in Spanish. Answers |
The Leg in Spanish (Label Me! Printout) Label the parts of the leg in Spanish. Answers |
The Senses in Spanish (Label Me! Printout) Label the five senses in Spanish. Answers |
The Spine in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the spine and skull in Spanish. Answers |
The Tooth in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the tooth in Spanish, including the enamel, crown, root, nerve, gum, filling, and bone. Answers |
English/Spanish Body Coloring Book A 6-page Spanish/English coloring book about the body. |
People in Spanish:
The Family in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the family members in Spanish. Answers |
People in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the man, woman, boy, girl, and others in Spanish. Answers |
Titles in Spanish and English A Matching Printout Match greetings in Spanish and English. Phrases: señor/Sr./Mr., señora/Sra./Mrs., señorita/Srta./Miss, don/D./Sir, doña/Da./Lady, doctor/Dr./Doctor (male), doctora/Dra./Doctor (female), profesor/Prof./Professor (male), profesora/Profa./Professor (female). Answers |
Clothing in Spanish:
Match Spanish Clothes Words and Pictures #1 Match 10 Spanish clothing vocabulary words to their pictures. The words are: calcetin/sock, guante/glove, camisa/shirt, mitón/mitten, pantalones cortos/shorts, pantalones/pants, chaqueta/jacket, sandalias/sandals, falda/skirt, zapatillas de deporte/sneakers. Or go to the answers. |
Match Spanish Clothes Words and Pictures #2 Match 10 Spanish clothing vocabulary words to their pictures. The words are: bufanda/scarf, sombrero/hat, vest/chaleco, vestido/dress, reloj/watch, cinturón/belt, cierre/zipper, botón/button, botas/boots, patin de hielo/ice skates. Or go to the answers. |
Clothes in Spanish Label the clothes in Spanish, including shirt, pants, blouse, shoe, shoelace, belt, buckle, purse, pocket, and others. Answers |
Rain/Cold Weather Clothing in Spanish Label the outdoor clothes in Spanish, including a jacket, earmuffs, mittens, gloves, raincoat, scarf, umbrella, boots, jeans, ice skates, and others. Answers |
Summer Clothes in Spanish Label the summer clothes in Spanish, including a swimsuit, hat, cap, shorts, sunglasses, T-shirt, dress, sandals, roller skates, watch, ring, and others. Answers |
Night Clothes in Spanish Label the night clothes/underclothes in Spanish, including a bathrobe, pajamas, slippers, underwear, and others. Answers |
Food, Eating and Cooking in Spanish:
Dairy Foods in Spanish (Label Me! Printout) Label the dairy foods in Spanish. Answers |
Drinks in Spanish (Label Me! Printout) Label the drinks in Spanish. Answers |
Food Pyramid in Spanish Label the fruit, vegetables, oils, milk, cheese, eggs, meat, fish, rice, cereal, bread, pasta, and sweets in Spanish. Answers |
Fruit in Spanish Label the orange, lemon, apple, strawberry, watermelon, avocado, banana, pear, cherry, and grapes in Spanish. Answers |
Match Spanish Fruit Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish fruit vocabulary words to their pictures. The words are: plátano/banana, uvas/grapes, manzana/apple, limón/lemon, fresa/strawberry, piña/pineapple, cereza/cherries, sandía/watermelon, naranja/orange, pera/pear. Or go to the answers. |
Kitchen Utensils in Spanish Label the kitchen utensils in Spanish, including the bowl, spatula, whisk, grater, cake pan, rolling pin, measuring cup, and oven mitt. Answers |
Kitchen Utensils #2 in Spanish Label the kitchen utensils in Spanish, including the can opener, colander, cutting board, knife, ladle, peeler, frying pan, sauce pan, and lid. Answers |
Meat and Seafood in Spanish (Label Me! Printout) Label the meats in Spanish. Answers |
A Place Setting in Spanish (Label Me! Printout) Label the place setting in Spanish. Answers |
Sweets in Spanish Label the sweet foods in Spanish. Answers |
Vegetables in Spanish Label the peas, potato, celery, carrot, pumpkin, onion, cucumber, corn, broccoli, mushroom, and tomato in Spanish. Answers |
Match Spanish Vegetable Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish vegetable words to their pictures. The words are: guisantes/peas, lechuga/lettuce, champiñón/mushroom, zanahoria/carrot, papa/potato, cebolla/onion, apio/celery, tomate/tomato, maíz/corn. Or go to the answers. |
The House in Spanish:
The House in Spanish Label the outside of the house and garage in Spanish. Answers |
Label the Rooms in a House in Spanish Label the rooms in a house in Spanish. Answers |
Bathroom in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the bathroom in Spanish. Answers |
Bedroom in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the bedroom in Spanish. Answers |
Furniture in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the furniture in Spanish, including chair, armchair, table, coffee table, bed, desk, bench, dresser, bookshelf, and sofa. Answers |
Match Spanish Furniture Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish furniture words to their pictures. The words are: la cama/bed, la mesa/table, el sillón/armchair, la cómoda/dresser, la banca/bench, la mesa de centro/coffee table, el sofá/sofa, el escritorio/desk, el librero/bookshelf, la silla/chair. Or go to the answers. |
The Kitchen in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the kitchen in Spanish. Answers |
The Living Room in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the sofa, armchair, chair, table, fireplace, window, curtain, TV, radio, and telephone in Spanish. Answers |
The Study/Office in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the study in Spanish. Answers |
Cleaning Phrases in Spanish and English A Matching Printout Match cleaning-related phrases in Spanish and English. Phrases: to cook/cocinar, to make the bed/hacer la cama, to wash laundry/lavar la ropa, to wash the dishes/lavar los platos, to mop the floor/fregar el suelo, to vacuum/pasar la aspiradora, to sweep the floor/barrer el suelo, to do the shopping/hacer la compra, to take out the garbage/sacar la basura, to mow the lawn/cortar el césped. Answers |
School Related Terms in Spanish:
Match Spanish School Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish school vocabulary words to their pictures. The words are: tijeras (scissors), reloj (clock), globo (globe), engrapadora (stapler), bolígrafo (pen), crayón (crayon), lapiz (pencil), libro (book), regla (ruler), papel (paper). Or go to the answers. |
Label the Rooms in a School in Spanish Label the rooms in a school in Spanish. Answers |
Label The Desk/School Accessories in Spanish Label the desk/school accessories in Spanish. Answers |
Vehicles in Spanish:
Match Spanish Vehicle Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish vegetable words to their pictures. The words are: avión/airplane, automóvil/car, bicicleta/bicycle, tren/train, uniciclo/unicycle, carretón/wagon, barco/boat, camión/truck, autobús/bus, miniván/minivan. Or go to the answers. |
The Airplane in Spanish Label the parts of an airplane in Spanish. Answers |
Bicycle in Spanish: Label Me! Printout Label the bicycle in Spanish. Answers |
The Car in Spanish Label the car in Spanish. Answers |
The Sailboat in Spanish Label the sailboat in Spanish. Answers |
The Ship in Spanish Label the ship in Spanish. Answers |
Trucks and Cars in Spanish Label the car, tow truck, minivan, bus, and other vehicles in Spanish. Answers |
Vehicles in Spanish Label the bicycle, motorcycle, ambulance, fire truck, and other vehicles in Spanish. Answers |
Outdoor Scenes/Geography in Spanish:
Beach Words in Spanish Label the beach words in Spanish, including sun, sand castle, beach umbrella, beach towel, sunglasses, popsicle, sun block, beach ball, shell, sun hat. Answers |
Match Spanish Beach Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish beach words to their pictures. The words are: sol/sun, castillo de playa/sandcastle, sombrilla/beach umbrella, toalla de playa/beach towel, lentes obscuros/sunglasses, paleta/popsicle, crema protectora/sun block, pelota de playa/beachball, concha marina/seashell sombrero para el sol/sun hat. Or go to the answers. |
Compass Directions in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the compass directions in Spanish. Answers |
Daytime Sky in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the sun, cloud, rain, rainbow, lightning, snow, and tornado in Spanish. Answers |
The Earth in Spanish Label the globe in Spanish, including the North Pole, Arctic Circle, Northern Hemisphere, equator, Southern Hemisphere, and South Pole. Answers |
The Intersection in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the street features in Spanish. Answers |
Label Landforms in Spanish Label the archipelago, bay, gulf, island, isthmus, peninsula, river, lake and strait in Spanish. Answers |
Mountain Scene in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the mountain, hill, valley, lake, river, forest, and other landscape terms in Spanish. Answers |
Night Sky in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the star, moon, planet, constellation, comet, telescope, and fireworks in Spanish. Answers |
Ocean and Seas in Spanish: Label Me! Printout Label the oceans and seas in Spanish. Answers |
Weather Phrases in Spanish: Label Me! Printout Label the weather phrases in Spanish, including: It is cold, hot, nice, raining, snowing, windy, lightning, cloudy, and sunny. Answers |
Sewing Words in Spanish:
Sewing Tools in Spanish Label the sewing tools in Spanish. Answers |
Match Spanish Sewing Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish sewing words to their pictures. The words are: alfiler/needle, aguja/pin, dedal/thimble, tijeras/scissors, hilo/thread, máquina de coser/sewing machine, cinta métrica/tape measure, alfiletero/pin cushion, botón/button, cremallera/zipper. Or go to the answers. |
Tools in Spanish:
Match Spanish Tool Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish tools to their pictures. The words are: martillo/hammer, alicates/pliers, serrucho/saw, clavo/nail, tornillo/screw, destornillador/screwdriver, taladro/drill, llave de boaca/wrench, rastrillo/rake, hacha/ax. Or go to the answers. |
Garden Tools in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the garden tools in Spanish. Answers |
Workshop Tools #1 in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the hammer, nail, pliers, saw, screw, screwdriver, and wood in Spanish. Answers |
Workshop Tools #2 in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the tool box, wrench, level, Phillips screwdriver, chisel, file, washer, nut, and tape measure in Spanish. Answers |
Opposites in Spanish:
Opposites in Spanish #1 A Label Me! Printout Label up, down, left, right, empty, full, happy, sad, short and tall in Spanish. Answers |
Opposites in Spanish #2 A Label Me! Printout Label big, small, slow, fast, day, night, behind, in front of, first, and last in Spanish. Answers |
Opposites #3 in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label over, under, black, white, fat, thin, quiet, loud, less, and more in Spanish. Answers |
Opposites #4 in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label dirty, clean, hot, cold, wide, narrow, open, closed, push, and pull in Spanish. Answers |
Animal Opposites Coloring Book - English/Spanish A Spanish/English coloring book about opposites, illustrating the concepts with animals. |
Plants in Spanish:
A Flowering Plant in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the parts of a flowering plant in Spanish, including the flower, bud, leaf, stem, etc. Answers |
Flowers in Spanish: Label Me! Printout Label the flowers in Spanish, including the rose, daisy, daffodil, tulip, sunflower, lily, foliage, and vase. Answers |
Tree in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the parts of a tree in Spanish. Answers |
Musical Instruments in Spanish:
Brass Musical Instruments in Spanish Label the trumpet, trombone, tuba, and French horn in Spanish. Answers |
Percussion Instruments - in Spanish Label the drum, tambourine, cymbals, xylophone, maracas, gong, and triangle in Spanish. Answers |
String Instruments in Spanish Label the cello, violin, viola, bow, double bass, banjo, harp, and guitar in Spanish. Answers |
Woodwind Instruments in Spanish Label the bassoon, clarinet, English horn, flute, oboe, piccolo, and saxophone in Spanish. Answers |
Games and Sports:
Camping in Spanish Label the camping gear in Spanish, including tent, sleeping bag, backpack, flashlight, camp fire, water bottle, compass, map, canoe, and paddle. Answers |
Games in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the checkers, dominoes, backgammon, dice, cards, dartboard, dart, and board game in Spanish. Answers |
Sports Equipment in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the baseball, tennis, and golf equipment in Spanish. Answers |
Printable Dominoes in Spanish:
Printable Set of Spanish Color Word Dominoes Print a set of Spanish color word dominoes; each tile has colors on it, in Spanish and pictures (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, black, gray). In this game the student matches colors. |
Printable Set of Spanish Number Word Dominoes: 0 to 6 Print a set of Spanish number word dominoes; each tile has numbers on it in Spanish and symbols 0 through 6 (cero, uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis). In this game the student matches numbers. |
Printable Set of Spanish Number Word Dominoes: 7 to 13 Print a set of Spanish number word dominoes; each tile has numbers on it in Spanish and symbols 7 through 13 (siete, ocho, neuve, diez, once, doce, trece). In this game the student matches numbers. |
Printable Set of Spanish Shape-to-Word Matching Dominoes Print a set of Spanish shape-to-word matching dominoes; each tile has a shape picture and a Spanish shape word on it (círculo, triángulo, cuadrado, rectángulo, óvalo, corazón, and estrella). In this game the student matches Spanish shape words to pictures. |
Buildings in Spanish and English A Matching Printout Match buildings in Spanish and English. Phrases: Where is (the)...?/¿Dónde está...? , airport/el aeropuerto, bank/el banco, church/la iglesia , grocery store/la tienda de comestibles, hospital/el hospital, hotel/el hotel, library/la biblioteca, movie theater/el cine, museum/el museo, park/el parque, police station/la comisaría, post office/la oficina de correos, restaurant/el restaurante, school/la escuela, theater/el teatro, train station/la estación de ferrocarril. Answers |
Directions in Spanish and English A Matching Printout Match directions in Spanish and English. Phrases: north/norte, south/sur, east/este, west/oeste, up/arriba, down/abajo, left/a la izquierda, right/a la derecha, straight ahead/todo seguido, next to/junto a, in front of/enfrente de, in back of/detrás de, near/cerca, far/lejos. Answers |
Greetings in Spanish and English A Matching Printout Match greetings in Spanish and English. Phrases: Hello/Hola, Good day/Buenos días, Good afternoon/Buenas tardes, Good evening/Buenas noches, Good-bye/Adiós, How are you? (singular, informal)/¿Cómo estás?, How's it going?/¿Qué tal?, I'm well./Estoy bien., I'm very well./Estoy muy bien., See you later./Hasta luego. Answers |
Morning Activities in Spanish Label routine morning activities (like waking up, eating breakfast, and getting dressed) in Spanish. Answers |
Money Terms in Spanish Label the money terms in Spanish, including bill, coin, money, wallet, change purse, credit card, checkbook, and check. Answers |
Early Reader Books - English/Spanish Short printable books in English and Spanish for emergent readers. |
Spanish Picture Alphabet Activity For each letter, write a word in Spanish that starts with that letter, and draw a picture of it. Go to a slightly larger version |
Lotto Game in Spanish A game played like Bingo, but with pictures, not numbers. You can print out the 64 colorful game cards and 10 boards, labeled in Spanish. |
Measurement Terms in Spanish Label the measurement terms in Spanish, including yard, foot, inch, square foot, meter, centimeter, millimeter, square meter. Answers |
Containers in Spanish Label the bag, bottle, box, can, carton, jar, spray can, and tube in Spanish. Answers |
Envelope and Letter in Spanish Label the envelope and letter in Spanish, including the words letter, signature, envelope, address, zip code, return address, stamp, and postmark. Answers |
Match Spanish Punctuation Marks: Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish punctuation marks to their pictures. The words are: punto/period, coma/comma, signo de admiración/exclamation point, signo de interrogación/question mark, apóstrofo/apostrophe, comillas/quotation marks, guión/hyphen, paréntesis/parenthesis, dos puntos/colon, punto y coma/semicolon. Or go to the answers. |
The Computer in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the keyboard, mouse, monitor, printer, microphone, and scanner in Spanish. Answers |
The Planets in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the Solar System in Spanish. Answers |
Label Me! Printouts in Spanish Label the animals, shapes, etc. in Spanish. |
Match Spanish Words and Pictures Match Spanish vocabulary words to their pictures for many themed topics, including clothing, food, school items, tools, and vehicles. |
Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, South America, and Spain:
Mexico: Dot to Dot Mystery Map Connect the dots to draw the borders of a mystery country. Then use a globe or atlas to figure out which country you have drawn. You might want to give students clues, such as the continent the country is in (North America), that it is in the Northern Hemisphere, or that its name starts with "M." Answer: Mexico. |
Mexico Map: Label Me! Printout Label a map of Mexico. Answers |
Mexico Map: Quiz Printout Answer questions about the map of Mexico. Answers |
Mexico: Outline Map Printout An outline map of Mexico to print. |
Mexico Map: Information Printout Read about Mexico. |
Mexico's Flag A coloring printout. |
Mexico's Flag Simple Printable A blackline master (printout) of the flag of Mexico. |
Zoom School Mexico Information on Mexico with a pictorial interface. |
Mexican Independence: Page and Cloze Activity Father Hidalgo began the fight for Mexican independence from Spanish rule on September 16, 1810. Do a cloze activity on Mexican Independence. Answers |
Cinco de Mayo Theme Page Information, quizzes, and printouts to color. |
Cinco de Mayo: Printable Read-and-Answer Worksheet A printable worksheet on Cinco de Mayo, with a short text, a flag to color, a map to color and label, and questions to answer. Or go to the answers. |
Put 10 Cinco de Mayo Words in Alphabetical Order - Worksheet Put 10 Cinco de Mayo words in alphabetical order. The words are: army, battle, celebrate, festival, fifth, holiday, May, Mexico, parade, victory. Go to the answers. |
Cinco de Mayo Wordsearch Puzzle Find the words in this wordsearch puzzle, then use the extra letters to find the hidden Message: "The Mexican army won the Battle of Puebla against the French." Or go to the answers. |
Cinco de Mayo Spelling Word Questions Use the list of colors words to answer simple questions about Cinco de Mayo words. Words: Mexico, May, fifth, victory, army, battle, Spanish, liberty, fiesta, General patriot, French. Or go to the answers. |
Mexico: Follow the Instructions Color Mexico according to simple directions, such as, "Color Mexico yellow." Or go to the answers. |
Geography of Central America and the Caribbean Geography activities on Central America and the Caribbean. |
South American Countries: Label Me! Printout Label the countries of South America. Answers |
South America: Outline Map Printout An outline map of South America to print. |
South American Rivers: Outline Map Printout An outline map of the major rivers of South America to print. |
Spain and Portugal: Outline Map Printout An outline map of the Iberian Peninsula to print. |
Spain and Portugal Label the map of Spain and Portugal. Answers |
Spain's Flag A page on the flag plus a quiz and coloring printout |
Flags of Countries With Spanish as an Official Language See the flags of countries which have Spanish as an official language. |
Spanish Artists Color paintings by Spanish artists. |
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