Personal Qualities

Aesthetics, Relationships, and Emotions
Knowledge and Understanding
Explore the idea that everything in the world is connected.
Explore the concept of personal identity and what makes you “you” despite changes and growth over time.
Imagine the perspective of a creature very different from you. What can you learn from thinking about their point of view?
Write about the scientific method, reflecting on why scientists make predictions and conduct experiments.
Contemplate the nature of time, how we measure it, and reflect on its mystifying qualities.
Think about what it means for things to be true or false. How do you know what is true?
Personal Qualities
Dive into the importance of curiosity and reflect on how asking questions helps us grow, learn, and explore new ideas.
Reflect on the meaning of bravery, the motivation behind courageous acts, and what we can learn from them.
Explore the concept of creativity, the importance of imagination, and how to cultivate a creative mindset.
Delve into the meaning of wisdom, the qualities of wise individuals, and how we can develop wisdom over time.
Examine the importance of perseverance, the mindset that helps us stay resilient, and the rewards of overcoming challenges.
Ethics and Values
Reflect on what matters most in life. What is the most important thing?
Reflect on why it matters that you do what is right, and think about how to decide what that is.
Think about what it means for things to be fair, and reflect on the importance of treating others fairly.
Reflect on the goodness of people and things. What does it mean to be good?
Think about the importance of kindness and how even small acts can make a big difference in people’s lives.
Aesthetics, Relationships, and Emotions
Write about what it means to be a good friend, and think about the value of friendship in life.
Think about the nature of beauty. What makes things beautiful?
Write about the role of happiness in life. Is it possible to be happy even in difficult situations?
Reflect on the different types of love, try to find a common thread that unites them, and think about the purpose of love in life.