Nocturnal Animals
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7th Grade and Up
Nocturnal Animals Coloring/Info Pages. Print out animal pages/information sheets to color.
Second-Third Grade Introduction to Research on the Internet - Nocturnal Animals Quiz
Nocturnal Animals Pages to Color Online/Info Pages. Print out animal pages/information sheets to color.
Kakapo Printout. The kakapo, Strigops habroptilus, is the only flightless and nocturnal (most active at night) parrot. It...
The aardvark is a 5-6 feet (1.5-1.8 m) long nocturnal, burrowing, insectivorous mammal from Africa.
Okapi Printout. The Okapi is a giraffe-like mammal found in Congo River Basin rainforests of the upper Congo River in...
The Sloth is a slow-moving, nocturnal mammal that spends its entire life hanging upside-down in trees.
Lynx Printout. Lynx (Felis lynx) are fierce, nocturnal, solitary cats that live in North America. These fast hunters eat...
The Wombat is a rare, burrowing marsupial from Australia. It is a thick-set, nocturnal herbivore.
Aye-aye Printout: The Aye-aye, Daubentonia madagascariensis, is a nocturnal, arboreal primate from Madagascar.
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