Underground Animals
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Underground and Burrowing Animal Printouts.
Mole Printout. The mole is a burrowing mammal with substantial claws that lives underground most of its life.
Leafcutter ants are species of ants that are fungus farmers -- they cultivate (grow) their own food, a type of fungus, in...
Desert Tortoise Printout
Pupfish Printout. The Pupfish is a tiny fish that lives in springs and ponds in the deserts of southwestern North America.
Aardvark coloring page, print it out or color it online!
Hamster Printout. The Hamster is a small, burrowing rodent that lives in the wild in parts of Asia and Europe.
Aardvark printout and coloring page.
Label Cicada Printout.
Full access for members only.
Jerboa Printout. The Jerboa is a small, long-tailed rodent that jumps long distances using its long hind legs.
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