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Jupiter is the fifth and largest planet in our solar system. This gas giant has 39 known moons and a dark, barely-visible ring.
Learn about the inner composition of the planet Jupiter.
Jupiter has four large moons and dozens of small ones. Galileo first discovered the four largest moons of Jupiter, Io...
Jupiter has faint, dark, narrow rings composed of tiny rock fragments and dust. They do not contain ice, like Saturn’s rings.
Learn about Jupiter's prominently featured great red spot (which is a storm).
Jupiter Printout/Coloring Page.
Jupiter's gaseous surface is very windy, with wind speeds exceeding 400 mph (620 kph) in wide bands of latitude. Winds in...
Jupiter Puzzle - Unscramble an astronomy picture by answering questions.
Links to various pages and activities about the planet Jupiter.
Use the word bank to fill in the blanks in this Jupiter cloze activity. This is a printable worksheet.
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