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Earthworms (also called nightcrawlers) are very important animals that aerate and enrich the soil. Earthworms range in...
Slow Worm printout. The Slow Worm (Anguis fragilis) is a legless lizard that looks like a snake - it is not a worm.
Worm Acrostic Poem - Write a poem about worms. Start each line with a letter from the word 'worm.'
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Make an edible Cup o' Worms. It's a great party treat you can make with your child.
Yellow Mealworm/Darkling Beetle. The mealworm is a the larval stage of the darkling beetle, Tenebrio molitor.
Mealworm (Darkling Beetle) Quiz Printout. Answer questions on the darkling beetle, Tenebrio molitor.
Mealworm (Darkling Beetle) Lifecycle Printout. The mealworm is a the larval stage of the darkling beetle, Tenebrio molitor.
These are Animals: A Book on Animal Groups: Worms. Print out an Animal Groups book.
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Label Life Cycle of the Mealworm/Darkling Beetle Diagram Printout.
Earthworm Read-and-Answer Quiz - Earthworms (also called nightcrawlers) are very important animals that aerate and enrich...
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