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Mollusks Pages to Color Online.
Cuttlefish Printout. Cuttlefish are a type of fast-swimming, intelligent mollusk.
Gastropod Printouts. Gastropod (also called univalves) are a type of mollusk that have a single valve (a shell which is...
Limpet Printout. The Limpet is a gastropod, a soft-bodied invertebrate that is protected by a cone-shaped shell.
Slug Printout. The slug is a gastropod, a soft-bodied invertebrate without an external shell. Most slugs are plant-eaters...
Cephalopod Printouts. Cephalopods are a class of mollusks that includes the octopus, squid, cuttlefish, and nautilus.
Snail Printout (unlabeled). The Snail is a gastropod, a soft-bodied invertebrate that is basically a head with a foot. It...
Label the Land Snail External Anatomy Printout.
Knobbed Whelk Printout. The Knobbed Whelk is a gastropod, a soft-bodied invertebrate that is protected by a spiral shell.
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