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Communication-Related Inventors and Inventions
Glossary of Inventors and Inventions starting with the letter R.
Think of a New...: Writing prompts: Essays and Other Writing Activities for Early Writers.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) was an American inventor whose many inventions revolutionized the world.
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Invent a New Sandwich: Write and Draw. Think of a new sandwich, draw it, and write about it. Describe what is in it, what...
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Invent a New Sandwich: Draw and Write. Think of a new sandwich, draw it, and write about it. Describe what is in it, what...
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Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was an Italian mathematician, astronomer, and physicist.
George Washington Carver (1865?-1943) was an American scientist, educator, humanitarian, and former slave.
How to write an invention/inventor report, plus a report rubric. Learn how to write a good report.
Writing prompt: An Invention I'd Like (essay topic): ink about an invention that you'd like to see or have. Think about an...
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