Have fun writing with essay prompts!
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Writing prompt: My Town (essay topic): If an out-of-town visitor was coming to visit you, where would you take the...
Bad Day Solutions: Writing prompt. When you are having a bad day, what do you do to make yourself feel better? Does it always work?
Miscellaneous Writing Activities: Essays and Other Writing Activities for Early Writers.
Writing prompt: If you were going to be stranded on a deserted island and could take three items with you - but, the three...
Writing prompt: I Wonder Why... (essay topic): Think of something you have wondered about and write about it.
Writing prompt: I'm an Expert Activity (essay topic): Write about what you do the best.
Writing prompt: Presidential Qualities: What do you think are the most important qualities a president should have (and why)?
Writing prompt: My Superpower: Write a page on what superpower you would choose if you could have just one superpower.
Writing prompt: If You Could Fly (essay topic): If you fly whenever you wanted to, what would you do? Why would you want...
Writing prompt: The Best Food (essay topic): Write about the best food you ever had. What was it and why did you like it...
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