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Jupiter is the fifth and largest planet in our solar system. This gas giant has 39 known moons and a dark, barely-visible ring.
The Sun is the center of our Solar System. It is a huge, spinning ball of hot gas and nuclear reactions that lights up the...
The planets that orbit the sun are (in order from the sun): Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune...
Mars, the red planet, is the fourth planet from the sun in our solar system. Mars has two small moons, Phobos and Deimos.
Learn about the life cycle of a star with this helpful diagram.
Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun in our solar system. is a comprehensive on-line hypertext book about astronomy. It is designed for people of all ages and...
Comets. A comet is a small, icy celestial body that orbits around the sun. It is made up of a nucleus (solid, frozen ice...
Introduction to Research on the Internet
Pluto is a dwarf planet that usually orbits past the orbit of Neptune. It was classified as a dwarf planet in 2006; before...
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