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Little Explorers Picture Dictionary: Sp-Sq.
Tides are periodic rises and falls of large bodies of water. Tides are caused by the gravitational interaction between the...
Answers: Table of Planets - Reading and Understanding Tables, A Printable Worksheet. Use the table about the planets in our...
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Label Moon Phases Diagram Printout.
Space Explorers Quiz Answers: Astronauts and Cosmonauts. Yuri Gagarin, John Glenn, Sally Ride, Neil Armstrong, Alan...
WHY IS THE OCEAN BLUE? The ocean appears blue because the water absorbs more of the red light in sunlight; the water also...
Adjectives Describing the Moon - Printable Worksheet. Write adjectives describing the moon in and around the moon. An...
Moon: Fact or Opinion? Blank, A Worksheet. Color the moon and write 5 facts and 5 opinions about moons. A fact is...
Planets Word Wheel: This 2-page print-out makes a planets word wheel; it consists of a base page together with a wheel that...
Space Explorers: Astronauts and Cosmonauts. Information on the 'firsts' in space exploration!
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