Hoofed Mammals
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Hoofed Mammals
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The Karakul Sheep is a hoofed mammal native to Asia.
The Dall Sheep is a hoofed mammal native to mountainous regions of northwestern North America.
Artiodactyls are even-toed ungulates (hoofed mammals). This order of herbivorous (plant-eating) mammals includes...
The Bighorn Sheep is a hoofed mammal native to some mountainous and desert area regions of western North America.
Artiodactyls Pages to Color Online: Artiodactylsare even-toed ungulates (hoofed mammals). This order of herbivorous...
The donkey is a large, hoofed mammal that live in family groups on grasslands.
The Goat is a hoofed mammal native to mountainous regions of northwestern North America, southwestern Asia, and Europe.
Horse are large, hoofed mammals that live in herds on grasslands.
The quagga was a large, hoofed mammal that went extinct in the 1880's. Quaggas had distinctive zebra-like stripes on their...
Cape Buffalo Printout. The Cape Buffalo, Syncerus caffer, is a large, hoofed mammal that lives on African savannas.
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