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The African Gray Parrot is a talkative parrot with bright red tail feathers. Color it in here!
Kakapo Printout. The kakapo, Strigops habroptilus, is the only flightless and nocturnal (most active at night) parrot. It...
Parrot Jokes and Riddles for Kids at rhymes, crafts, printouts, worksheets, information, books to...
Rainbow Lorikeet Printout. The Rainbow Lorikeet, Trichoglossus haematodus, is a small, brightly-colored Australian parrot...
What Do I Say? Book, A Printable Book about animals, colors, and animal sounds for early readers Blue Bird, Purple Parrot.
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Scarlet Macaw Printout. The Scarlet Macaw, Ara macao, is a type of parrot found in South American rain forests from...
Bird Cut-and-Paste Picture Dictionary: Pictures - A Book to Print. Cut and paste the pictures and write the words. Then cut...
Pirate Tiny Picture Dictionary: Pages 5-8 - A Book to Print. Cut out each page and staple them together in the right order...
Bird Tiny Picture Dictionary: Pages 9-12 - A Book to Print. Cut out each page and staple them together in the right order...
Pirate Cut-and-Paste Picture Dictionary: Pages 5-8 - A Book to Print. Cut and paste the pictures and write the words. Then...
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