Hat Crafts
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Hat Crafts: Crafts for kids. Kindergarten, preschool, and elementary school crafts. Make wonderful, simple crafts with...
This is a simple Samurai origami hat craft made from a piece of paper.
In this simple craft, make an incredibly big hat from a large brown paper grocery bag.
With this craft, make a Mortar Board hat to wear at graduation.
Make a tiny Leprechaun Hat for St. Patrick's Day with this easy craft.
Make a tiny version of Lincoln's stovepipe hat using a toilet paper tube and black construction paper.
In this crafts page, learn how to make a Santa hat or decoration from construction paper and cotton.
This scary black cat hat (or Halloween decoration) is easily made from construction paper.
Make a dinosaur hat using a balloon, newspaper, flour-water glue, and paint!
This is a template for the Tiny Leprechaun Hat craft.
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