Hibernating Animals
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Hamster Printout. The Hamster is a small, burrowing rodent that lives in the wild in parts of Asia and Europe.
Butterfly Wing Anatomy. A butterfly has four wings: two forewings and two hindwings. They are attached to the second and...
Jerboa Printout. The Jerboa is a small, long-tailed rodent that jumps long distances using its long hind legs.
Butterflies undergo complete metamorphosis and a four-stage life cycle.
Bats are the only flying mammal. The vampire bat is the only bat (and the only mammal) that eats blood.
Butterflies undergo complete metamorphosis and have a four-stage life cycle.
Lemming Printout. Lemmings are small, mouse-like rodents.
Pupa Anatomy - the resting stage when wings develop. Butterflies undergo complete metamorphosis and a four-stage life cycle.
Chinchilla Printout. The Chinchilla, Chinchilla lanigera and C. brevicaudata, is a rodent that lives high in the Andes...
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