From learning about currencies to how to write a budget, finance and economics are crucial topics to learn.
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Match the Coins to the Amounts #3
Match the Coins to the Amounts #2
Make Change for a Quarter: How many ways can you make change for a quarter using dimes (10¢), nickels (5¢) and/or pennies (1¢).
Write Coin Values: Write the values of the coins in each circle so that they equal the money total.
How Much Change Will You Get? #2: If you pay for each of the following items with a certain amount of dollars, how much...
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How Much Change Will You Get? #6: If you pay for each of the following items with a certain amount of dollars, how much...
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Dollar Minus Pennies Worksheet Printout.
How Much Change Will You Get? #3: If you pay for each of the following items with a certain amount of dollars, how much...
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Make a Dollar with Coins: Find 10 ways of making a dollar with coins.
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Match the Groups and Values of Coins #4
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