North America
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Short biographies of explorers of North and Central America.
Henry Hudson (1565-1611) was an English explorer and navigator who sailed to North America four times.
Matthew Henson (1866 - 1955) was an African-American explorer and one of the first people to visit the North Pole.
Samuel de Champlain (1567?-1635) was a French explorer/navigator who mapped much of northeastern North America.
Christopher 'Kit' Carson (1809-1868) was an American explorer, guide, fur trapper, Indian agent, rancher, and soldier.
John Cabot (1450-1499) was an Italian-born English explorer and navigator who explored Canada.
Isabelle Eberhardt (1877-1904) was an explorer who lived and traveled extensively in North Africa.
Zebulon Montgomery Pike (January 5, 1779 - April 27, 1813) was an American explorer and military officer.
Jean Nicollet (1598 - 1642) was a French explorer who was the first European to travel though the Great Lakes area.
Panfilo de Narvaez (1470?-1528) was a Spanish explorer and soldier.
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