Learn about the vast expanse of space with these pages.
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Space Race Cloze Activity. Fill in the blanks in this short summary of the race to land the first person on the Moon!
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Write and Draw: Outer Space Object Draw an object you would see in outer space. Describe what it looks like, how big it...
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In this printable worksheet, use the word bank to label the Earth in English.
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Read all about the race to land the first human being on the Moon!
ALVAREZ ASTEROID IMPACT THEORY, Dinosaur glossary explains basic paleontological terms.
Earth Brainstorming Activity: For each letter of the word
Types of Flags: Flags featuring a crescent moon - A collection of flag printouts, and activities for students.
In this printable worksheet, label the Earth in French using the word bank.
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Geology/Earth Sciences Label Me! Elementary-level Printouts. Read the definitions then label the diagrams.
Soil covers much of the land on Earth, learn more about it here!
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