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Moon Quiz and Research Activity on the Internet
Label Solar System Diagram Printout.
Space Explorers Quiz: Astronauts and Cosmonauts. Yuri Gagarin, John Glenn, Sally Ride, Neil Armstrong, Alan Shepard...
Planets Word Wheel - Bottom: Make and then use the word wheel to make planets words appear, including: Mercury, Venus...
Color a blackline master of the flag of the United States Space Force, either on paper or online.
Dinosaur extinction theories. How and why did the dinosaurs go extinct? Most were gone long before the K-T extinction...
Geologic time chart of major biological and geological eras, with the pivotal events, eons, eras, periods and epochs.
Moon Printout/Coloring Page.
Star, Webbing, Cluster Diagrams, Diagram Graphic Organizer Printouts.
Colonel-Engineer Valentina Tereshkova (March 6, 1937- ) was a Soviet cosmonaut and the first woman in space.
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