The Sun
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The Sun K-3 Theme Page at
Sun Puzzle - Unscramble an astronomy picture by answering questions.
Sun: Perimeter Poem - Printable Worksheet. Write a poem around the perimeter (outer edges) of the sun.
Flags Containing a Sun - The sun is pictured on many flags, sometimes in an abstract way. A collection of flag printouts...
Learn about how stars like our Sun eventually die.
The Sun: Rebus Rhymes for kids. Mother Goose and other nursery rhymes in rebus form for early readers.
Sun:: Illustrated Acrostic Poem Worksheet - Draw a picture of the sun, then write an acrostic poem about it. Start each...
The Sun of our Solar System.
The Sun of our Solar System: sunspots. The number of sunspots follows an 11 year cycle; the current cycle will peak in the...
During a transit of Venus, Venus passes directly between the Earth and the Sun, and Venus appears as a small, dark dot...
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