Draw and Write
Use the prompts (and your imagination) to complete these worksheets by drawing and writing.
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Language Arts
Social Studies
World Languages
Grade Levels
Work in Progress - Not all pages are categorized yet
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade and Up
Stories and Fairy Tales: Draw and Write Worksheets. Draw a picture and write about it.
Snacks: Draw and Write 3 Things - Printable Worksheet - Draw three of your favorite snacks and write about each of them...
Wishes: Draw and Write 3 Things - Printable Worksheet - Draw three wishes you have and write about each of them. Worksheet Printout.
Dwellings: Triple Draw and Write - Printable Worksheet. Draw three human or animal homes and write about each of them...
Colorful Things: Draw and Write Worksheets. Draw a picture and write about it.
Books: Triple Draw and Write - Printable Worksheet - Draw a scene or character from three of your favorite books and write...
Things You Would Like To Do: Triple Draw and Write - Printable Worksheet. Draw three things you would like to do and write...
Fear: Draw and Write 3 Things - Printable Worksheet - Draw three things that make you sad and write about each of these...
Things You'd See in the Sea: Triple Draw and Write - Printable Worksheet - Draw three of things you might see in the ocean...
Worst Food: Triple Draw and Write - Printable Worksheet - Draw three of your least favorite foods and write about each of...
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