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Enchanted Learning® Photoblog      Posted July 17, 2013   10:02 pm

Diavik and Ekati Diamond Mines
Diavik and Ekati Diamond Mines

More diamond mines in the Canadian tundra!

Less than 150 miles south of the Arctic Circle, 65 miles north of Snap Lake Diamond Mine, lies Diavik Diamond Mine. This is the bottom left of the four mining areas visible in a square-like arrangement in the photograph. It's on East Island in Lac de Gras.

The other three mining areas comprise Ekati Diamond Mine, the first diamond mine in Canada. The main Ekati complex and airport are at the upper right of the squarish area. Fox Pit is the mine at the upper left, and Misery Pit is at the lower right.

The two airport runways are clearly visible—look for a long white line at each of the two large developments.

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Date taken: July 5, 2013
Place taken: Lac de Gras, Northwest Territories, Canada
Mitchell Spector
Copyright ©2013 Enchanted Learning, LLC


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