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Enchanted Learning® Photoblog      Posted April 7, 2013   1:29 pm

Red-Eared Slider and its Reflection in a Pond
Red-Eared Slider and its Reflection in a Pond

In this close-up, you can see the red area behind the eye that gives this turtle its name—the red-eared slider.

Scientific name: Trachemys scripta elegans

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Date taken: August 27, 2012
Place taken: Golden Gardens Park, Seattle, WA, USA
Mitchell Spector
Copyright ©2012 Enchanted Learning, LLC


Red-Eared Slider Basking in the Summer Sun

Close-up of a Red-Eared Slider and its Reflection

Red-Eared Slider on a Still Pond

Red-Eared Slider and its Reflection in a Pond