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Butterflies and Moths Venn Diagram


Butterflies and Moths Venn Diagram
Content Type
Printable Worksheet
File Type
2 pages
Contains Answer Key
Available to Members Only
Label the Venn diagram of the similarities and differences between butterflies and moths.
For the Student:
Label the Venn diagram with the similarities and differences between butterflies and moths.
Extra Information
Word Bank
Antennae are thick and feathery, Antennae have a knob at the end, Has 2 antennae, Has 2 pairs of wings, Has 6 legs, Has a 3-part body, Has a proboscis, Has compound eyes, Hatches from an egg, Is an insect, Makes a chrysalis, Makes a cocoon, Most active at night, Most active during the day, Thin, hairless body, Undergoes complete metamorphosis, Wide, furry body, Wings are usually colorful, Wings are usually dull, Wings horizontal when at rest, Wings upright when at rest