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On this “Follow the Instructions” printout, color the picture of the pilgrims, the Mayflower, and Plymouth Rock according to simple directions such as: “Color Plymouth Rock, in the lower right corner, gray.”
Follow the instructions to color the cornucopia (for example, color the grapes purple, or draw a yellow sun in the upper left corner). This printable worksheet is for early readers.
Draw and color a scarecrow according to simple directions, such as, “Color the scarecrow’s hat and nose orange.”
This is an autumn printout with eight scarecrow nametags in color.
This is an autumn printout with eight scarecrow nametags in black and white.
Color the map of the voyage of the Mayflower from England to America according to simple directions, such as, “Draw a dark blue circle around Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts.” This is a printout about following instructions, for early readers.
Color the turkey picture according to simple directions, such as “Color the bottom left feather orange.” This printout about following instructions is for early readers.
This Thanksgiving-themed “Follow the Instructions” printable worksheet asks early readers to follow instructions such as: “Draw a green apple in the bottom left square.”
See if you can think of and write ten new uses for an old toothbrush. Or, find twenty new uses for an old toothbrush.
See if you can think of and write ten new uses for an old toothbrush. Or, find twenty new uses for an old toothbrush.
This is a template for the Hole Punch Jack O’Lantern Halloween Card Craft.
See if you can think of and write ten new uses for a styrofoam tray. Or, find twenty new uses for a styrofoam tray.
See if you can think of and write ten new uses for a styrofoam tray. Or, find twenty new uses for a styrofoam tray.
This is a Halloween Letter-Flow Word Puzzle. In this printable worksheet, when a line connects two (or more) boxes, those boxes contain the same letter. Solve this Halloween word riddle!
See if you can think of and write down a science word for each letter of the alphabet. Find a science-related words for as many letters as you can. Or go to a sample answer page.
See if you can think of and write down a scientiifc field for each letter of the alphabet. Find a field of science for as many letters as you can. Or go to a sample answer page.
See if you can think of and write ten new uses for a brick. Or, find twenty new uses for a brick.
See if you can think of and write ten new uses for a brick. Or, find twenty new uses for a brick.
See if you can think of and write down something we throw away for each letter of the alphabet.
See if you can think of and write ten new uses for a toothpick. Or, find twenty new uses for a toothpick.