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Write ten things about trees (plus one thing you would like to change) in this short answer printable worksheet.
Energy Wordsearch. Find all the words in this wordsearch puzzle, then use the extra letters to read a secret message: ‘Conserve energy’. This is a printout for young students.
Write a sentence for each energy-related spelling word. Words: energy, solar, fuel, renewable, wind, carbon, power, windmill, conserve, electricity.
A list of common words and phrases associated with biomes or habitats.
Vocabulary word list (word bank) about weights and measurements.
Find eight energy-related words. Sample answers: fuel, power, solar, hydroelectric, turbine, generator, oil, battery.
For each flower-related word, write what part of speech the word is, write its definition, and use it in a sentence.
A vocabulary list (word bank) of words about energy!
For each butterfly-related word, write what part of speech the word is, write its definition, and use it in a sentence.
A vocabulary word list (word bank) about the US Constitution.
A vocabulary list (word bank) of words about the food web or food chain.
Think of and write eight words related to glaciers. Then, for each word, write a sentence containing the word. Sample answers: snow, ice, crevasse, till, glaciologist, glaciology, calving, iceberg.
Fill in the blanks in this glacier cloze using the word bank. This is a printable worksheet activity.
Match each glacier-related word to its definition (printable worksheet).
Read about the lungs and do a worksheet about the lungs.
A worksheet where you write eight words related to mammals. Then, for each word, write a sentence containing the word. Great for early readers/writers!
A census is an official count of the number of people in a region. The survey is done by a government, usually periodically. This page explains how and why censuses are taken.
Ways to say “Happy”: Vocabulary word bank / word list.
Make a bee wheel using this 2-page print-out; it consists of a base page together with a wheel that spins around. When you spin the wheel, bee facts and pictures are formed, one at a time, including the life cycle of bees. The student then answers questions about bees.
Explore lots of ways to say “Said” in this vocabulary word bank.