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This alphabetical vocabulary list is of words that are both nouns and verbs!
In this printable worksheet, solve the Thanksgiving anagram clues and put the words in the spiral puzzle. Then rearrange the circled letters to make one last anagram! (An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word.)
On this printable worksheet, use the Thanksgiving word bank to find synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, and compound words for various vocabulary words. Then capitalize, punctuate, and correct the spelling of the sentences.
Write a poem about a turkey in this printout. Great for medium to fluent writers.
In this printable worksheet, draw a line from each winter-related word to its anagram.
A vocabulary word list (word bank) of holidays.
This is an alphabetical word list of weapons-related vocabulary, perfect for creative writing projects.
On this printable worksheet, draw a line from each of the Thanksgiving words to its anagram. An anagram is a word or phrase that is made by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase.
A vocabulary word list (word bank) of household devices and appliances.
Write a poem about a kangaroo. The lines of the poem begin with: It sees, It hears, It feels, It understands, It moves, It needs, It likes, It wants, It eats, and It dreams.
Write a poem about a butterfly in this fun printable worksheet.
Write a poem about a caterpillar in this fun printable worksheet.
See the names of the languages of the Earth with this ‘World Languages’ word list.
A list of words and phrases about buildings and other structures.
A vocabulary word list (word bank) naming a variety of leaders.
Write a poem about a bat. The lines of the poem begin with: It sees, It hears, It feels, It understands, It moves, It needs, It likes, It flies, It eats, and It dreams.
Check out this word bank to find a list of regular verbs.
This is an alphabetical word list (word bank) full of verbs, from ‘accept’ to ‘zoom’!
In this printable worksheet, write a poem about how Autumn affects your senses.
In this printable worksheet, write a poem about how Spring affects your senses, following the directed prompts.