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This alphabetical word list is full of vocabulary containing a long E sound, which is perfect for learning phonics.
A vocabulary word list (word bank) of Long U and Long OO words. Yahooooo!
A vocabulary word list (word bank) of toys and games.
Color the Christmas wreath by following simple instructions, such as, “Color the large round ornaments orange.” This printout is for early readers.
A Book for Early Readers: Read it online or print it out!
Color a menorah according to simple directions, such as, “Color the two candles on the far right purple.” This printout about following instructions is for early readers.
In this printout, use the list of Hanukkah words to answer simple questions about the holiday.
See if you can think of and write down a word related to Barack Obama, the 44th President of the USA, for each letter of the alphabet. Or go to a sample answer page.
Write about Barack Obama. The picture shows Barack Obama and the seal of the President of the USA.
This is an early-reader printable book with activities and simple puzzles about Barack Obama, the 44th President of the USA.
Match two syllables to make 10 words related to Barack Obama.
Use the list of spelling words related to Barack Obama to answer simple questions.
Use the word bank to find synonyms of words reated to Barack Obama’s life. Words: writer/author, attorney/lawyer, aspire/hope, commander/leader, speaker/orator, initial/first, society/community, transform/change, perception/vision, electorate/voters. Or go to the answers.
President Barack Obama Wordsearch. Find all the words in this wordsearch puzzle, then use the extra letters to read a secret message: ‘President Obama’. This is a printout for young students.
Use the alphabet code to decipher the message about President Barack Obama. Answer: “Barack Obama is the first African-American US president.”
In this Word Hunt printout, make as many words as you can using letters from the phrase “President Obama.” This printable worksheet has 30 spaces.
In this Word Hunt printout, make as many words as you can using letters from the phrase “President Obama.” This printable worksheet has 50 spaces.
Draw four Jack-o’-Lanterns on this printout: a scary jack-o’-lantern, a happy jack-o’-lantern, a surprised jack-o’-lantern, and a sad jack-o’-lantern.
Draw four pumpkins in this printout: a big pumpkin, a small pumpkin, a wide pumpkin, and a tall pumpkin.
Write a story about the jack-o’-lanterns in the picture. The picture shows two jack-o’-lanterns, one happy and one sad.