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aardvark Aardvarks are large African mammals that eat ants. The name means "Earth pig." |
abacus An abacus is an ancient device used for arithmetic calculations. |
above Above means over or higher. The cloud is above the mountain. |
Mr. Mrs. Dr. USA abbreviation An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word. Some common abbreviations are: St. (street), Ave. (avenue), km (kilometer), and UK (United Kingdom). |
![]() acid rain Acid rain is polluted and is harmful to the environment. |
acorn The acorn is the nut of an oak tree. |
Acrocanthosaurus Acrocanthosaurus was huge, spine-backed, meat-eating dinosaur. |
SCUBA NASA LASER acronym An acronym is a pronounceable word that is formed using the first letters in a phrase (sometimes other parts of the words are used). Some acronyms are: RAM (which is short for "Random Access Memory") and NIMBY (which is short for "Not In My BackYard"). |
act When you act, you do something or perform a role. |
actor An actor is someone who performs a role in a play or a movie. |
acute angle An acute angle is less than 90 degrees. |
"Haste makes waste." adage An adage is a short saying that tells a commonly-known truth. |
![]() Adams, John John Adams (1735-1826) was the second President of the USA, serving from 1797 to 1801. |
1+1=2 2+3=5 addition Addition is the adding of numbers to get their sum. |
address An address lists where someone lives or works. On a piece of mail, an address tells the Post Office where to bring a letter or package. |
adjective An adjective is a word that describes a person, place or thing. |
adult Adults are grown-up women and men. |
? adverb An adverb is a word that tells "how," "when," "where," or "how much". Some adverbs are: easily, warmly, quickly, mainly, freely, often, and unfortunately. |
afraid When you're afraid, you are scared or frightened. |
Africa Africa is the second biggest continent. It is in the Southern Hemisphere and is bordered by the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, and the Mediterranean Sea. Some of the many countries in Africa are Algeria, Egypt, Ethopia, Kenya, Libya, Mali, Madagascar, Mauritania, Morocco, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Zaire, and Zimbabwe. |
African elephant The African elephant is the biggest land animal. It has large ears and a long trunk. |
African penguin The African penguin is a small, flightless bird that lives on islands off the coast of southern Africa. |
African wild cat The African wild cat is a fierce cat and a fast hunters. |
African wild dog The African wild dog hunts in packs in Africa. |
agouti The agouti is a large, short-tailed rodent from rainforests in the Americas. |
aileron Ailerons are the outer flaps on the rear surface of the wings of an airpane. Ailerons are used to keep the airplane from rollling from side to side. |
air The Earth is surrounded by air. Many animals breathe air. |
Airedale terrier The Airedale terrier is a dog that was originally bred in England. |
airplane Airplanes are vehicles that fly in the sky. |
ajar Something that is ajar is partly open. The door above is ajar. |
Alabama Alabama is a state in the southern United States of America. Its capital is Montgomery. |
The Alamo The Alamo is an old Spanish mission located in San Antonio, Texas. |
Alamosaurus Alamosaurus was a huge, long-necked, plant-eating dinosaur that had a whip-like tail. Fossils have been found in Texas. |
Alaska Alaska is the 49th state of the United States of America. Its capital is Juneau. |
Alaskan malamute The Alaskan malamute is a powerful sled dog from Alaska. |
albatross The albatross is web-footed bird that can fly for a long period of time. Whe something is called an albatross, it means that it is burden. |
Albertosaurus Albertosaurus was a large, meat-eating dinosaur, related to T. Rex. |
alike When things are alike they look the same. |
all All of an item includes the entire item. All of a group includes the entire group. For example, all of the apples above are red. |
alley An alley is a narrow road between buildings. |
![]() alligator Alligators are large reptiles that have huge jaws and large teeth. |
leaping lizards building blocks alliteration Alliteration is the repetition of initial sounds in neighboring words. "Slithering snake" is an alliteration because both words start with the "s" sound. "Notable knight" is an alliteration because both words start with the "n" sound (even though they start with different letters). |
Allosaurus Allosaurus was a huge, meat-eating dinosaur. |
almond An almond is a type of nut. |
alpaca The alpaca is a South American mammal related to and smaller than the llama. |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z alphabet There are 26 letters in the alphabet. |
amber Amber is a yellowish, hardened tree resin. |
ambulance An ambulance takes sick people to the hospital. |
America The United States of America is a country in North America. There are 50 states in the United States of America. |
American Sign Language Some deaf people use American Sign Language to communicate. |
amethyst Amethyst is a purple gemstone. |
amoeba An amoeba is a tiny, one-celled animal. Amoeba is also spelled ameba. |
& ampersand An ampersand is a symbol that means "and." |
![]() amphibian Amphibians are animals that live in the water during their early life, but usually live on land as adults. They include frogs, toads, newts, salamanders, and others. |
anaconda The anaconda is a huge, South American snake. |
art rat tar anagram An anagram is a word or phrase that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. For example, spot is an anagram of post. |
anatomy Anatomy is a science that studies the body. |
anchor An anchor is a heavy metal device that holds a ship in place. |
angel An angel embodies goodness. |
angelfish Angelfish are brightly-colored fish that live in warm water. |
angelshark Angelsharks are sharks that have flat bodies and live on the ocean floor. |
angle An angle is the amount of rotation it would take to put one intersecting line on top of another. |
angry When you are angry, you are very mad. |
animals Animals are a type of living organism. You can see lots of different animals at the zoo. |
Animals make tracks in the ground when they walk or run. |
ankle The ankle is the joint between your foot and leg. |
Ankylosaurus Ankylosaurus was a plant-eating, armored dinosaur. |
ant Ants are small, social insects that are found worldwide. |
Antarctica Antarctica is an icy continent around the South Pole. |
anteater Anteaters are ant-eating mammals that have a very long snout (it is used to obtain ants). They are from South and Central America. |
antelope Antelopes are graceful mammals with beautiful horns. |
![]() Anthony, Susan B. Susan Brownell Anthony (1820-1906) campaigned for women's rights in the USA, including the right to vote. |
antlers Antlers are hard, branch-like growths on the head of some mammals- they are shed yearly. Many animals, like reindeer, have antlers. |
antonym Antonyms are words that mean the opposite of each other. Some antonyms include: happy/sad, big/small, up/down, stop/go, wet/dry, long/short, loose/tight. |
![]() Apatosaurus Apatosaurus was a huge, plant-eating dinosaur. It used to be called Brontosaurus. |
ape Apes are a type of mammal. Chimpanzees, orangutans, bonobos, gorillas, and people are apes. |
can't apostrophe An apostrophe is a symbol that indicates that some letters have been omitted from a word (for example, "do not" can be written as the contraction "don't"). Apostrophes are also used to show possession (for example, Jane's doll means a doll belonging to Jane). |
apple An apple is a juicy fruit that grows on an apple tree. |
Appleseed, Johnny Johnny Appleseed was a legendary man who planted apple trees through the USA. His real name was John Chapman, but he was called Johnny Appleseed because of his love for growing apple trees. |
apple tree An apple tree is a fruit tree that produces apples. |
apricot An apricot is a tart fruit with a thin, orange skin and a hard pit. |
April April is the fourth month of the year. |
apron An apron protects clothing from getting dirty. |
aquarium You can look at fish in an aquarium. |
Arbor Day Arbor Day is a holiday that encourages tree planting and tree care. In the USA, Arbor Day is usually celebrated on the last Friday in April. |
arachnid Arachnids are animals that have eight jointed legs, an exoskeleton, and a two-part body. Spiders, scorpions, and ticks are arachnids. |
arch An arch is a curved opening. |
Archelon Archelon was a marine turtle that was the size of a car. It lived during the time of the dinosaurs. |
archer An archer shoots an arrow with a bow. |
archipelago An archipelago is a group or chain of islands clustered together in a sea or ocean. |
Arctic The Arctic is the area surrounding the North Pole of the Earth. The Arctic is covered by the Arctic Ocean, some of which is covered by a thick layer of ice. |
Arctic animals Animals that live in the Arctic have adapted to withstand very cold temperatures. |
Arctic hare This white hare lives in the Arctic and has huge hindfeet. |
Arctic Ocean The Arctic Ocean is the ocean that covers the North Pole and surrounding areas. |
Arctic tern The Arctic tern is a small bird that flies from the Arctic to the Antarctic and back again each year. |
Arctic wolf Arctic wolves are meat-eaters that live in northern Canada. |
1+1=2 7-4=3 arithmetic Arithmetic is the study of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. |
Arizona Arizona is a state in the southwestern United States of America. Its capital is Phoenix. |
Arkansas Arkansas is a state in the United States of America. Its capital is Little Rock. |
arm You can carry things in your arms. |
armadillo An armadillo is a small, burrowing, armored mammal. |
armchair An armchair is a chair with arms. |
![]() Armstrong, Neil Neil Alden Armstrong (1930- ) was the first person to walk on the moon. He piloted NASA's Apollo 11 mission, which landed on the moon on July 20, 1969. |
army An army is a unified group of people who are trained to fight on land. |
around When something is around something, it is near or close to it. |
arrow Arrows are long and have a sharp point. |
art A work of art can be a drawing, painting, sculpture, music, dance, photograph, or other form of expression. |
art gallery You can see works of art at an art gallery. |
artichoke The artichoke is a spiny, green vegetable. |
the, a, an article An article is a word that introduces a noun and also limits or clarifies it. In English, the indefinite articles are: a and an; the definite article is the. |
artist An artist creates works of art. |
Asia Asia is the biggest continent. It is in the Northern Hemisphere and borders Europe. Some of the countries in Asia include China, Mongolia, India, Pakistan, Laos, Japan, Myanmar, Iran, Iraq, Vietnam, Thailand, and part of Russia. |
asleep When you are asleep you are not awake. |
assassin bug Assassin bugs are a type of insect that eats other insects. |
asteroid Asteroids are tiny planets; most asteroids orbit between Mars and Jupiter. |
asteroid belt The asteroid belt is a doughnut-shaped concentration of asteroids that orbit the Sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. |
astronaut An astronaut travels into space to explore or perform tasks. |
astronomer Astronomers are people who study astronomy and learn about objects in the universe, including stars and planets. |
astronomy Astronomy is the science that studies the universe. |
![]() athlete Someone who is good at a sport is an athlete. |
Atlantic Ocean The Atlantic Ocean is a large body of salt water that separates the Americas from Europe and Africa. It is the second largest ocean. |
atmosphere The atmosphere is the gas that surrounds a planet. |
atoll An atoll is a ring (or partial ring) of coral that forms an island in an ocean or sea. |
atom Everything is made up of tiny atoms. |
@ at sign The @ on keyboards and in email addresses is called the "at sign." You can write one easily by writing a lower case a, then continuing to draw an almost-complete circle around the a. |
August August is the eighth month of the year. |
aurora An aurora is beautiful lights in the near-polar sky. Auroras are also called northern lights. |
Australia Australia is a continent, a country and an island! It is surrounded by the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The capital of Australia is Canberra. |
automobile An automobile is a car. |
autumn Autumn is the season between summer and winter. Another name for autumn is fall. |
avenue An avenue is a wide street. |
Avimimus Avimimus was a bird-like dinosaur that ate meat and had a long beak. |
avocado The avocado is an oily, green fruit; it is sometimes called the alligator pear. Avocados grow on trees in warm areas. |
awake When you are awake, you are not asleep. |
award An award is something you get for winning or doing well at something. |
awl An awl is a long, sharp tool used to make small holes in things. |
ax (also spelled axe) An ax is a sharp, metal tool with a handle that is useful for chopping wood. |
aye-aye The aye-aye is an unusual, nocturnal primate (a type of mammal) that lives in Madagascar (an island off the coast of Africa). |
English Picture Dictionary |
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