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Explore the ancient Mesopotamian epic poem Gilgamesh with these discussion questions, intended for high school students. These questions can be used as: classroom discussion topics, essay prompts, short answer questions, or whatever you’d like! They’re springboards to help design lesson plans.
Introduction and Historical Context
- What is the historical significance of the epic of Gilgamesh? Why is it considered one of the earliest known works of literature?
- How does the setting of ancient Mesopotamia impact the events and themes in the epic?
- This epic poem was written on 12 tablets, some of which have been lost to time. How might this affect the story? How does narrative structure change the storytelling and pacing?
Character Analysis
- Describe the character of Gilgamesh at the beginning of the epic. How does he change over the course of the story?
- Analyze the friendship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu. What does their relationship reveal about the importance of companionship and human connections?
- Compare and contrast Gilgamesh and Enkidu in terms of their strengths, weaknesses, and attitudes towards life.
- How does Shamhat’s role in the story shed light on themes of civilization and sexuality?
- Explore the role of women in the story, including characters like Shamhat, Ishtar, and Siduri. What does the story portray about gender roles?
Themes and Motifs
- Discuss the themes of mortality and immortality in the epic. How do Gilgamesh’s actions reflect his fear of death?
- What role does the concept of fate or destiny play? How do characters respond to their fates?
- Analyze the motif of the journey. How does Gilgamesh’s physical and emotional journey contribute to the growth of his character?
- How does the search for wisdom and knowledge drive the actions of Gilgamesh and other characters? What do they hope to gain from these pursuits?
- How do repetition and symbolism enhance the themes and messages of the story?
Morality and Ethics
- How does Gilgamesh’s perception of power and leadership change throughout the story?
- Discuss the moral lessons that Gilgamesh learns from his encounters with characters like Utnapishtim and Siduri. How do these lessons impact his behavior?
- How does Gilgamesh’s treatment of Humbaba and the Bull of Heaven reflect his evolving sense of responsibility and morality?
- Is it morally justifiable to seek eternal life at any cost?
- How do the societal norms and values of ancient Mesopotamia shape the characters’ actions and decisions in the epic?
Mythology and Religion
- How do gods and goddesses influence the lives of mortals like Gilgamesh and Enkidu?
- How do the gods in Gilgamesh compare to gods in other mythologies? What roles do they play in the lives of humans?
- Explain the significance of the Flood story in the epic. How does it parallel or diverge from other flood narratives in world mythology?
- Discuss the concept of sacrifice in the epic. How is the idea of sacrifice both physical and metaphorical?
Philosophical Questions
- Reflect on the epic’s exploration of the balance between the natural world and human civilization. How do characters navigate this tension?
- How does Gilgamesh’s search for meaning and purpose parallel questions that people still ask about the meaning of life today?
- Discuss the consequences of the actions taken by characters like Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and Ishtar. How do their choices lead to unintended outcomes?
Modern and Personal Reflection
- The epic of Gilgamesh has been preserved over millennia. How does the story’s endurance reflect its universal themes and relatability across cultures?
- How does the writing style and language of the epic impact your reading experience? How does the text convey emotions, imagery, and atmosphere?
- How do the themes and lessons in Gilgamesh resonate with modern readers? Can you identify any contemporary stories or films that draw inspiration from this epic?
- How does the human desire for legacy and the impact of leaving a lasting mark on the world relate to Gilgamesh’s quest for immortality?
- Imagine you were Gilgamesh. How would you approach your quest for immortality? What lessons might you learn from your journey?