Read and Answer
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Kangaroo Read-and-Answer Quiz Printout - The Kangaroo is a common marsupial from the islands of Australia, Tasmania and...
Giraffe Read-and-Answer Quiz - The Giraffe is the tallest land animal, growing to be up to 19 feet (6 m) tall.
Walkingstick Read-and-Answer Quiz: The Indian Walkingstick (also called the laboratory stick insect) is a long...
This is a printable worksheet on US President Gerald Ford, with a short biography, a picture to color, and questions.
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Earthworm Read-and-Answer Quiz - Earthworms (also called nightcrawlers) are very important animals that aerate and enrich...
Dolphin Read-and-Answer Quiz. Bottlenose dolphins are small, toothed whales that have a long, beaklike snout, a...
Dodo Read-and-Answer Quiz - The Dodo, Raphus cucullatus, is an extinct flightless bird that lived on the island of...
Duck-billed Platypus Read-and-Answer Quiz - The Duck-billed Platypus is a primitive mammal that lives in Australia.
Coelacanth Read-and-Answer Quiz. The coelacanth (pronounced SEE-la-canth) is a primitive lobe-finned fish that was thought...
Northern Cardinal Read-and-Answer Quiz: The Northern Cardinal is a brilliant red bird from the eastern USA.
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