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Enchanted Learning® Photoblog      Posted March 9, 2012   11:50 pm

Return to Gallery of Sandpipers

Spotted Sandpiper, Sprinting Down the Beach
Spotted Sandpiper, Sprinting Down the Beach

This spotted sandpiper was sprinting and darting down the beach. This bird's white eye rings are quite distinctive, as is its gait.

The spotted sandpiper is well adapted to life near the water. As you can see in the photo, its yellowish-brown legs with dark spots look very much like sticks commonly found on the shore, and the bird's main coloration blends in well with the mixture of dark and white rocklets on the beach.

Scientific name: Actitis macularius (or macularia)

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Date taken: February 12, 2012
Place taken: Mercer Island, WA, USA
Mitchell Spector
Copyright ©2012 Enchanted Learning, LLC


Spotted Sandpiper, Sprinting Down the Beach

Spotted Sandpiper in Winter Plumage

Spotted Sandpiper Rock-Hopping

Spotted Sandpiper Catching Lunch

Spotted Sandpiper Eating Lunch