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You might also like: | Whale Glossary | Label Baleen Whale Anatomy Printout | Whale Activities - AllAboutWhales.com | Whale Templates | Whale Connect-the-Dots Book | Today's featured page: Green |
EnchantedLearning.com ALL ABOUT WHALES! |
What is a Whale? | Whale Information Sheets | Anatomy and Behavior | Extreme Whales | Whale Myths | Whale Evolution | Whale Classification | Whale Glossary | Whale Activities | Whale Index |
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You might also like: | Whale Glossary | Label Baleen Whale Anatomy Printout | Whale Activities - AllAboutWhales.com | Whale Templates | Whale Connect-the-Dots Book | Today's featured page: Green |
Whale Print-outs | Paint Whales Online | Find It! Whale Quizzes |
Mystery Whale Connect- the-Dots |
Whale Math Puzzles | Word Hunt Puzzles | Crafts and Classroom Activities | Whale Links |
WHALE MOBILE Print out whale templates to make a mobile. |
OCEAN DIORAMA Make an ocean scene in a box. Print out the sharks and whales, then color, cut, and hang them in a decorated box. |
ORIGAMI WHALE A simple folded-paper whale. |
Whale and Dolphin Information:
Zoom Whales Learn all about whales and dolphins. |
Whale and Dolphin Books to Print:
WHALE AND DOLPHIN CONNECT-THE-DOTS BOOK Pick the whales and dolphins you want, then print them out, connect the dots, and color the pictures. |
WHALE AND DOLPHIN COLORING BOOK Pick the whales and dolphins you want, then print them out and color them. |
Whale and Dolphin Printouts to Color:
Baleen Whale Anatomy: Label Me! Label a baleen whale anatomy diagram. Answers |
Beluga Whale A small, white, toothed whale that lives mostly in cold, Arctic waters. |
Beluga Whale (Unlabeled) A large, unlabeled picture of a beluga whale to print. |
Blue Whale A baleen whale that is the largest animal that ever lived on Earth. |
Bottlenose Dolphin A bottlenose dolphin is a small, toothed whale. Go to a dolphin quiz or go to the answers. |
Bowhead Whale A baleen whale with very long baleen. |
Dall's Porpoise A black-and-white toothed whale that makes a distinctive spray when it surfaces. |
Dolphin Anatomy: Label Me! Label a dolphin anatomy diagram. |
Fin Whale A huge baleen whale that is the second-largest animal on Earth. |
Gray Whale A baleen whale that is a bottom feeder; it migrates very long distances. |
Humpback Whale A long-flippered baleen whale that sings and frolics in the water. |
Minke Whale The smallest baleen whale. It sings and has a white band on each flipper. |
Narwhal A toothed whale from the Arctic. The male has a huge, spiral tooth. |
Narwhal Quiz Printout Answer questions about this toothed whale from the Arctic. Or go to the answers. |
Narwhal (Unlabeled) A toothed whale from the Arctic. The male has a huge, spiral tooth. |
Orca or Killer Whale A simple coloring page on the orca. |
Orca or Killer Whale A toothed whale that lives in small pods in the Arctic. |
Right Whale Baleen whales with a huge head and an arched mouth. |
Sei Whale A baleen whale found almost worldwide. It is also called the Sardine whale, the Pollack whale, the Coalfish whale, the Japan Finner, and Rudolphi's Rorqual. |
Spectacled Porpoise A porpoise (a small toothed whale) from the Southern Hemisphere. |
Sperm Whale The largest toothed whale, over 50 feet long. It eats giant squid. |
Sperm Whale Label Me! Printout Label the sperm whale external anatomy. Answers |
Spotted Dolphin The Pantropical Spotted Dolphin is a small, toothed whale from tropical waters worldwide. |
Whales: Mystery Connect-the-Dots Learn about whales while you play. |
Cloze Printout on Whales and Dolphins A fill-in-the-blanks printout on these intelligent marine mammals. Or go to the answers. |
Whales Printout A printout of the blue, humpback and sperm whale (just the pictures). |
Whales vs. Fish Determine which characteristics belong to fish, which belong to whales, and which belong to both. |
Whale and Dolphin Activities and Quizzes:
Whale Math-Code Activities Do simple math problems and then letter substitutions to answer a whale-related question. |
Whale Word Hunt Puzzles How many 2-, 3-, and 4-letter words can you make using the letters from the following words? |
Whale Quizzes Students use AllAboutWhales.com to look up the answers to a set of whale questions. |
Cloze Printout on Whales and Dolphins A fill-in-the-blanks printout on these intelligent marine mammals. Or go to the answers. |
Write Whale-Related Definitions In this worksheet, write the definition of a word, what part of speech it is, and use it in a sentence. Words: fluke, blowhole, pod, mammal, migrate, baleen, lobtailing, breeching, spyhopping, calf. Or go to the answers. Or go to a pdf of the questions and answers (subscribers only). |
Write Ten Things About Whales A one-page printable worksheet. Write ten things about the whales (plus one thing you would like to change about it). |
![]() Whale Acrostic Poem Write a poem about a whale. Start each line with a letter from the word "whale." |
![]() Whale: Illustrated Acrostic Poem |
Whale: Shape Poem ![]() Write a poem inside the whale. Or go to a pdf of the poem worksheet. |
Whale: Perimeter Poem ![]() Write a poem around the perimeter (outer edges) of the whale. Or go to a pdf of the poem worksheet. |
![]() Compare and Contrast Fish and Whales Write some of the similarities and differences between fish and whales. Or go to a pdf of the worksheet (subscribers only). |
![]() Blue Whale Wordsearch Puzzle Find the blue whale words in the wordsearch puzzle, then use the extra letters to find the secret word: "BIGGEST ANIMAL." Or go to the answers. Or go to a pdf of the puzzle and the answers. |
Whale and Dolphin Connect-the-Dots:
Beluga Whale A small, white, toothed whale that lives mostly in cold, Arctic waters. |
Blue Whale A baleen whale that is the largest animal that ever lived on Earth. |
Bottlenose Dolphin A bottlenose dolphin is a small, toothed whale. |
Bowhead Whale A baleen whale with very long baleen. |
Gray Whale A baleen whale that is a bottom feeder and migrates very long distances. |
Humpback Whale A long-flippered baleen whale that sings and is very acrobatic. |
Minke Whale The smallest baleen whale. It sings and has a white band on each flipper. |
Narwhal A toothed whale from the Arctic. The male has a huge, spiral tooth. |
Orca or Killer Whale A toothed whale that lives in small pods in the Arctic. |
Spectacled Porpoise A porpoise (a small toothed whale) from the Southern Hemisphere. |
Sperm Whale The largest toothed whale, it eats giant squid. |
Whales: Mystery Connect-the-Dots Learn about whales while you play. |
The Letter O A printout on the letter O, picturing an orca, octopus, ostrich, and orange. |
Write an Animal Report:
Simple Animal Report Worksheet Draw the animal, then write about the animal's anatomy, diet, where it lives, and interesting facts. |
Animal Report Graphic Organizers Printouts Graphic Organizers can help students think about and list the major topics that will be researched and covered in an animal report. |
Animal Report Wheel Make an animal report wheel using this 2-page print-out; it consists of a base page together with a wheel that spins around. Use the wheel to write facts about the animal, including: Scientific Name, Type of Animal, Color, Size, Diet, Enemies, Habitat, Range, Life Cycle, Life Span, Endangered?, Something Interesting. Also, draw the animal on the top of the wheel. The student then writes a paragraph on interesting features about the animal. |
Write an Animal Report Tips and guidelines for writing a great animal report (plus a rubric to evaluate your work). |
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