Alaska Info
Alaska was the 49th state in the USA; it became a state on January 3, 1959.
State Abbreviation - AK
State Capital - Juneau
Largest City - Anchorage
Area - 656,425 square miles [Alaska is the biggest state in the USA]
Population - 740,133 (as of 2024) [Alaska is the 48th most populous state in the USA]
Name for Residents - Alaskans
Major Industry - oil (petroleum)
Major Rivers - Yukon River, Kuskokwim River, Colville River, Copper River
Major Lakes - Iliamna Lake, Aleknagik Lake, Becharof Lake, Clark Lake, Minchumina Lake
Highest Point - Mt. McKinley - 20,320 feet (6,194 m) above sea level - this is the highest point in the USA.
Number of Boroughs (Counties) - 27
Bordering US States - none
Bordering Country - Canada
Bordering Body of Water - Arctic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Beaufort Sea, Bering Sea, Gulf of Alaska
Origin of the Name Alaska - The word Alaska is from the Aleut Indian word “alaxsxaq” or “agunalaksh” that mean the mainland or shore.
State Nickname - The Last Frontier
State Motto - “North To The Future”
State Song - Alaska’s Flag
Dinosaur Fossils Found in Alaska - Albertosaurus, Ankylosaur (unknown genus), Edmontosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Pachyrhinosaurus, Saurornitholestes, Thescelosaurus, Troödon
Alaska State Symbols and Emblems
- State Flag
The official state flag of Alaska was officially adopted in 1959. The golden stars represent the Big Dipper (an asterism in the constellation Ursa Major, the Big Bear) and the North Star, also called Polaris (representing Alaska’s northern location). This beautiful flag was chosen from a flag-designing contest. It was designed in 1926 by a 13-year-old Native American boy named Bennie Benson. Bennie was from the village of Chignik; he won a 1,000-dollar scholarship and a watch for winning the contest.
Animal Symbols
State Bird - Willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus) |
State Fish - King salmon (Onchorhynchus tshawytscha) |
State Land Mammal - Moose (Alces alces) |
State Insect - Four spot skimmer dragonfly |
State Marine Mammal - Bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) |
State Fossil - Woolly Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) |
Plant Symbols
State Flower - Forget-me-not (genus Myosotis) |
State Tree - Sitka spruce (Picea sitchenensis) |
Earth Symbols
State Mineral - Gold | State Soil - Estelle (unofficial) |
State Gem - Jade |
Miscellaneous Symbol
State Sport - Dog mushing |
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