Arkansas Info
Arkansas was the 25th state in the USA; it became a state on June 15, 1836.
State Abbreviation - AR
State Capital - Little Rock
Largest City - Little Rock
Area - 53,182 square miles [Arkansas is the 29th biggest state in the USA]
Population - 3,088,354 (as of 2024) – Arkansas is the 33rd most populous state in the USA
Name for Residents - Arkansans
Major Industries - agriculture (chickens, soybeans, rice, cotton), paper and wood products (including furniture), electronic equipment, mining (aluminum and diamonds)
Presidential Birthplace - William Jefferson Clinton was born in Hope on August 19, 1946 (he was the 42nd US President, serving from 1993 to 2001).
Major Rivers - Arkansas River, Mississippi River
Major Lakes - Lake Ouachita, Bull Shoals Lake
Highest Point - Magazine Mountain - 2,753 feet (839 m) above sea level
Lowest Point - Ouachita River; 55 feet, (17 m) above sea level
Number of Counties - 75
Bordering States - Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas
Origin of the Name Arkansas - Arkansas is from the Quapaw (Sioux) word “acansa,” which means “downstream place” or “south wind.”
State Nickname - The Natural State
State Motto - “Regnat populus” - The people rule
State Songs - “Arkansas”, by Wayland Holyfield, and “Oh Arkansas”, by Terry Rose and Gary Klaff
Dinosaur Fossil Found in Arkansas - Arkansaurus
Arkansas State Symbols and Emblems
State Flag - The official state flag of Arkansas was chosen in a design contest in 1913; the winner was Miss Willie Kavanaugh Hocker of Wabbaseka. The flag’s design was finalized in 1926.
The diamond shapes in the center represent the diamond gemstone, because Arkansas is the only state in the USA where diamonds have been found. Since Arkansas was the twenty-fifth state to join the Union, there are 25 white stars around the diamond. The three blue stars in the lower part of the center represent Spain, France and the United States, the countries that have ruled Arkansas. The blue star in the upper center represents the Confederacy, of which Arkansas was a member.
Animal Symbols
State Bird - Mockingbird |
State Fish - None |
State Mammal - White-tailed deer |
State Insect - Honeybee |
Plant Symbols
State Flower - Apple blossom | State Fruit and Blossom - South Arkansas vine ripe pink tomato |
State Tree - Pine Tree |
Earth Symbols
State Gem - Diamond | State Mineral - Bauxite |
State Rock - Quartz crystal | State Soil - Stuttgart (unofficial) |
Miscellaneous Symbols
State Beverage - Milk |
State Dance - Square dance |
State Instrument - Fiddle |
Arkansas State Map/Quiz Printout.
Label Arkansas State Map Printout.
Outline Map Arkansas, USA: A collection of geography pages, printouts, and activities for students.
Dot to Dot Mystery Map. Connect the dots to draw the borders of a mystery US state. Then use a globe or atlas to figure out which state you have drawn. Answer: This is a map of Arkansas.
Arkansas Flag Printout.
Flag of Arkansas: Color the flag of Arkansas.
Draw and Write. Draw a map of the state you live in and write about that state. You can write facts or information about the state, what you like about the state, how long you have lived there, or anything else about that state.
US State Find Eight Related Words. For a US state, write eight words related to the state, then use each word in a sentence - for early readers.
On this ‘US State Graphic Organizer’, write the name of a US state, draw a map, and answer questions about it.
US State Report Diagram Printout: This chart is used to write a short US state report, including a hand-drawn map and flag, capital city, area, population, etc.
US State Report Diagram Printout: Thiss chart is used to write a short US state report, including a hand-drawn map and flag, capital city, area, population, etc.
US State, A Printable Book. Print out US State early reader book.
Find Your State Label Me! Printout.
Where I Live in the USA Label Me! Printout.
Write Ten Things About Your State - A short answer printable worksheet. Write ten things about your state (plus one thing you would like to change).
US State Wheel : This 2-page print-out makes a wheel about a single US state; the student fills out the information on the wheel. It consists of a base page together with a wheel that spins around. After putting the wheel together, the student follows the instructions on the front wheel and fills out the 12 sections of the wheel with information about the state. When you spin the wheel, facts about the US State appear, including: Biggest Cities, Capital, Flag, Bodies of Water, Postal Abbreviation, State Bird, Population (rank), Area (rank), Residents Called, Bordered by, Major Industries, and Entered Union (order).
A US State-Find a Related Word for Each Letter: Write a word or phrase for each letter of the alphabet that is related to a US state. Think of cities, famous people from the state, bodies of water, mountains, landmarks, and other features. Find words for as many letters as you can.
A collection of geography pages, printouts, and activities for students - all about the census.
Census Read and Answer Worksheet Page to Print Read and Answer Worksheet
US State Facts, Map and State Symbols
Other Links
Order and Dates of Statehood | State Extremes and Records | Guidelines for Writing a Report on a State |
State Population Figures | US Postal Codes | US Geography |
State Area Figures | US Postal Codes Matching |