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Match 10 vocabulary words to their pictures, the words are from the fairytale ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’.
A tiny, printable book of the Hans Christian Andersen fairytale, ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ – for early readers.
Match two syllables to make ten words related to the fairytale, ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’.
Match 10 words related to the fairytale, The Emperor’s New Clothes to their antonyms. The words are visible/invisible, ugly/beautiful, clever/stupid, real/make-believe, vain/humble, new/old, truth/lie, happy/sad, ruler/subject, foolish/wise. Or go to the answers.
Match 10 words related to the fairytale, The Emperor’s New Clothes to their synonyms. The words are foolish/silly, crook/scoundrel, emperor/leader, cloth/fabric, clever/cunning, vain/conceited, beautiful/lovely, lie/falsehood, intricate/detailed, pretend/make-believe. Or go to the answers.
Think of and write eight words related to the The Emperor’s New Clothes, a fairytale by Hans Christian Andersen. Then, for each word, write a sentence containing the word. Sample answers: emperor, vain, clothing, invisible, scoundrel, weave, cloth, underwear.
Write Five Adjectives Describing Words Related to the Fairytale, The Emperor’s New Clothes Write five adjectives describing the nouns: emperor, clothes, underwear, parade.
Write a sentence for each word from Hans Christian Andersen fairytale, The Emperor’s New Clothes. Words: emperor, new, clothes, vain, suit, tailor, weave, sew, underwear, parade.
Write five adjectives describing each of the following flowers: rose, tulip, daisy, and sunflower.
Write Five Adjectives Describing Parts of a House Write five adjectives describing the following parts of a house: window, door, walls, roof.
Write Five Adjectives Describing Food Write five adjectives describing the following food: pizza, sandwich, salad, soup.
Write Five Adjectives Describing Grains Write five adjectives describing the following grain-based foods: bread, rice, pretzels, oatmeal.
Write Five Adjectives Describing Words About Tools Write five adjectives describing the following tools: hammer, drill, pliers, saw.
Write Five Adjectives Describing Words About Clothing #2 Write five adjectives describing the following articles of clothes: hat, socks, belt, dress.
Write Five Adjectives Describing Farm Animals Write five adjectives describing the following farm animals: chicken, cow, pig, goat.
Write Five Adjectives Describing Fruit Write five adjectives describing the following fruit: apple, orange, pineapple, grapes.
Write Five Adjectives Describing Plants Write five adjectives describing the following plants: flower, tree, vine, cactus.
Write Five Adjectives Describing Vegetables Write five adjectives describing the following vegetables: carrot, corn, celery, broccoli.
Write Five Adjectives Describing Words About Clothing Write five adjectives describing the following articles of clothes: shirt, pants, shoes, jacket.
Write Five Adjectives Describing Pieces of Furniture Write five adjectives describing the following pieces of furniture: table, chair, bed, desk.