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Write Five Adjectives Describing Words About Vehicles Write five adjectives describing the following vehicles: car, truck, train, bus.
Write Five Adjectives Describing Boats and Ships Write five adjectives describing the following boats and ships: canoe, submarine, kayak, sailboat.
Write Five Adjectives Describing Words About Fire Fighting Write five adjectives describing the following fire-fighting words: fire engine, firefighter, helmet, Dalmatian.
In this printable worksheet, write five adjectives describing each of the following words about US Independence Day, July 4th: fireworks, picnic, hot dog, flag.
Write Five Adjectives Describing Words About Camping Write five adjectives describing the following camping-related nouns: tent, campfire, sleeping bag, flashlight.
Write Five Adjectives Describing Words Related to the Daytime Sky Write five adjectives describing the sky nouns: sun, cloud, rainbow, tornado.
Write Five Adjectives Describing Words Related to the Night-time Sky Write five adjectives describing the astronomy-related nouns: moon, stars, comet, constellation.
Write Five Adjectives Describing Insects Write five adjectives describing the following insects: butterfly, bee, ladybug, roach.
Write Five Adjectives Describing Reptiles Write five adjectives describing the following reptiles: snake, lizard, alligator, turtle.
Write Five Adjectives Describing Words About the Beach Write five adjectives describing the following beach-related words: waves, sand, shells, towel.
Write Five Adjectives Describing Birds Write five adjectives describing the following birds: flamingo, chicken, crow, ostrich.
Write Five Adjectives Describing Pets Write five adjectives describing the following pets: cat, dog, goldfish, hamster.
In this printable worksheet, write five adjectives describing these Fall words: apple, pumpkin, rake, and cobweb.
Write five adjectives describing the following Spring nouns: rain, umbrella, tulip, egg. This is a printable worksheet for early writers.
Write five adjectives describing each of the Summer-related nouns: sun, watermelon, popsicle, and shorts.
Write five adjectives describing the following Winter-related nouns: snow, ice skates, sled, and overcoat.
Use the alphabet code to find the secret message about Aesop’s fable, The Ant and The Grasshopper. Answer: “Prepare today for the needs you will have tomorrow.”
A tiny, printable book of the Aesop fable, The Ant and The Grasshoppper – for early readers. The book has 2 pages to print and makes 8 pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in.
Draw an ant and a grasshopper and then answer simple questions comparing them, for example, “Which one lives in social colonies?”
Write a sentence for each word from Aesop’s fable, The Ant and The Grasshopper. Words: ant, grasshopper, work, play, idle, prepare, lazy, hungry, fable, moral.