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Circle the correct spelling of these vacation words in this printable worksheet.
Vacation Words - Match the Words to the Pictures. This printout is for early readers, with the words: suitcase, hotel, taxi, airplane, camera, binoculars, backpack, yacht, tourist, tickets.
In this printout for early readers, fill in each blank using one of the vacation spelling words in the word bank.
A Vacation-Related Word for Each Letter: Find a vacation word for each letter of the alphabet.
See if you can think of and write down the name of a movie for each letter of the alphabet. Or go to a sample answer page.
A printout with eight monarch butterfly nametags to print in color.
This is a printout with eight monarch butterfly nametags to print in black-and-white.
This is a printout with eight morpho butterfly nametags in color.
This is a printout with eight morpho butterfly nametags in black-and-white.
Match the syllables in this firefighting printout. Complete the worksheet by drawing lines between syllable to make firefighting words, then writing the completed words.
Label the 10 baseball words using the word bank in this printable worksheet.
Printout: Draw a line from each baseball picture to the matching word. (For early readers.)
Circle the correct spelling of baseball words, and then color the picture of the words.
Find synonyms, antonym, homonyms, anagram, and compound word, then capitalize, punctuate, and correct the spelling of sentences. Or go to the answers.
Use the list of baseball spelling words to answer simple questions.
In this printable worksheet, put 10 vacation words in alphabetical order. The words are: vacation, trip, travel, voyage, tourist, resort, hotel, motel, inn, luggage.
Use the list of musical instruments spelling words to answer simple questions.
Circle the correct spelling of musical instrument words, and then color the pictures.
Unscramble the musical instruments, and then color the pictures of the words. The words are drum, trumpet, recorder, violin, xylophone, trombone, cymbals, guitar, harp, flute.
Find the missing letters in musical instrument words, and then color the picture of the word. The words are harp, drum, flute, violin, recorder, xylophone, trumpet, trombone, cymbals.