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Use the list of US money spelling words to answer simple questions.
A printable worksheet on Flag Day in the USA, with a short text, two flags to color, and questions to answer.
Answer ten multiple-choice questions about the US flag. A comprehension quiz for early readers.
Draw a line from each syllable on the left to a syllable on the right to make Father’s Day words, then write down each completed word. This printable worksheet is for young spellers.
For this word hunt, make as many words as you can from the phrase “Father’s Day”. This printable worksheet has 30 blank spaces.
For this word hunt, make as many words as you can from the phrase “Father’s Day”. This printable worksheet has 50 blank spaces.
Circle the correct spelling of US flag words, and then color the pictures.
Match two syllables to make 10 US flag words in this printable worksheet.
How many words can you make using the letters from “Stars and Stripes”? Sample answers: spear, pasta, sandier… Go to worksheet with 30 blanks or a worksheet with 50 blanks.
How many words can you make using the letters from “Stars and Stripes”? Sample answers: spear, pasta, sandier… Go to worksheet with 30 blanks or a worksheet with 50 blanks.
Put 10 US flag words in alphabetical order. The words are: flag, salute, stars, stripes, country, symbol, patriot, flagpole, banner, salute, official. Go to the answers.
Fill in Missing Letters in US flag Words: A printout about words for early readers. Words: flag, banner, stars, stripes, thirteen, fifty, flagpole, finial, half-mast, salute
Unscramble the US Flag words, and then color the pictures of the words. The words are flag, stars, banner, stripes, fifty, thirteen, flagpole, finial, half-mast, salute.
Use the alphabet code to find the constitution-related message. Answer: The US flag is called “Old Glory” or the “Stars and Stripes.”
Use the list of Flag Day-related words to answer simple questions.
See if you can think of and write down a landform for each letter of the alphabet. Or go to a sample answer page.
A tiny, printable book about simple words rhyming with ‘all’ – for early readers and writers. The book has 2 pages to print and makes 8 pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in. The words are: ball, call, fall, hall, small, tall, and “Can you think of another word that rhymes with all?”
A tiny, printable book about simple words rhyming with ‘ad’ – for early readers and writers. The book has 2 pages to print and makes 8 pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in. The words are: dad, glad, lad, mad, pad, sad, and “Can you think of another word that rhymes with ad?”
A tiny, printable book about simple words rhyming with ‘ar’ – for early readers and writers. The book has 2 pages to print and makes 8 pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in. The words are: bar, car, far, jar, scar, star, and “Can you think of another word that rhymes with ar?”
A tiny, printable book about simple words rhyming with ‘ake’ – for early readers and writers. The book has 2 pages to print and makes 8 pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in. The words are: bake, cake, flake, lake, snake, rake, and “Can you think of another word that rhymes with ake?”